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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

We setup a VPN tunnel between 2 sites using ASA5505s.  We need to setup QoS for the voice traffic.  The problem is the voice and data is on the same subnet at each site.  Is this possible to do?I attached a network diagram.

jcarter by Level 4
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Hi, I have been working with Cisco and the vendor for 2 weeks on this.II am hoping the issue we are seeing will ring a bell with someone.Some background information:I am working a vendor who requires a site to site tunnel.  My network currently has 1...

HiSome one can help me to understand the debug message ?I get error message on debuging ipsec-l2l tunellI've been trying to setup an ASA5520 with an ipsec-l2l to ios router 1721======= Router 1721 =====Cisco 1721 (flash:c1700-k9o3sy7-mz.123-2.XC2.bin...

I have cisco 3845 with version 12.3(11r)T2. I am trying to configure it for remote access vpn Xauth.Follwoing is my configurationaaa new-model!!aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ localaaa authentication login console noneaaa authenticatio...

I've been trying to setup an ASA5505 with an l2tp/ipsec vpn that I can connect to with the Windows Vista vpn client. I've been having problems connecting. When I attempt to connect, the windows vpn client shows an error message saying "Error 789: The...

HI,  I am having two sites, site A connected to 2 ISP's and site B connected to 2 ISP. I want to run a site-to-site GRE VPN across the sites and want to use both ISP so that they run as backup site-to-site VPN  to each other. Is this possible ? Someh...

Hello,I have a remote site that has a broadband cable internet connection and is using a PIX 501.  We wanted to connect them with our main office with our VPN 3000 Concentrator using site to site VPN.I've followed the following documentation:http://w...

HiI am trying to get a site to site vpn working. I am using a cisco 877 router to a sonic firewall TZ170, the sonicwall is using firmware.I have control of the cisco end but am relying on a 3rd party to configure the sonicwall. I have sent a...

ReadersUK by Level 2
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I have configured a VPN remote access. I can log into my username and password, but I can not ping any computer on the internal network. please helpme...the configuration the router is:sh run.aaa new-modelaaa authentication login VPN localaaa authori...

Greeting All,I have a ASA connected to a swtich via DOT1Q trunk where i have vlan 10,20,100 configured on both switchs i`m using Vlan 100 for the remote user pool and i have my switch configured for intervaln routing so my issue is :I have setup easy...

We are having trouble with a pair of sites which have two site to site VPN links between them. There are two 3845 routers at each site, A and B; The A router has a vpn link to the other site by the A router at that site, and the same for the Bs. On t...

I am connecting with VPN Client 4 to a customers internal network. However the VPN client re-routes all trafficto the customers network. This makes it impossible to connecting to other customers networks through OpenVPN. It is even impossible to get ...