We had an experimental study in our indoor office environment to confirm the effect of enabled Probe Suppression in a Micro cell on a MACRO cell architecture of Cisco AP3802I in dual 5GHz band operations [1].
It was found that the enabled Probe Suppression makes the number of client terminals balanced between in the MACRO cell and in the Micro cell as adaptively as possible.
Since it can be expected that the Micro cell on the MACRO cell architecture for Cisco AP3802I and AP2802I creates double the capacity within the boundaries of a single cell of a single AP, we should enable the function of Probe Suppression when we operate the Micro cell on MACRO cell architecture.
[1]Our report of the experimental study has been opened to the public at <https://www.netone.co.jp/report/column/column1/20190227.html> since Feb.27, 2019.
In the report, you can see real world use of the probe suppression, not in a laboratory use of it.