We are having some issues with Prime 1.3.
We need some advice and tuning, a backup and rebuild/restore has not addressed these issues.
Specifically -
- System resource usage. The server uses 100% of all four 2.6/3ghz turbo CPUs every 15 mins and runs unusably slow during this time. I can see various background tasks running at this time, but it does not appear to be getting stuck on one in particular.
- Disk Space usage. Since upgrading from WCS which had an 80gb drive, we now have 250gb and it's constantly running out of disk space, despite doing cleans and reducing data retention periods which we didn't want to have to do.
- Errors on a lot of pages. E.g. "There was an error while parsing and rendering the content. (undefined is not a function)" when you search for a client. But this works in Firefox and was previously working ok in Chrome.
Our System specs are
Vmware ESX 5.1
Running on a HP BL460c Gen 8 Blade Xeon e5-2670 (16x 2.6ghz)
4x vCPU
12GB ram
1x 250GB Disk (on Teir 1 fibre channel attached SAN, I could not tell you the IOPS)
1260 Access Points
Approx 3000 Clients and rising on an average day
27 controllers on 7.x code
1 MSE 3350
No switches/routers/autonomous APs or any other devices on Prime at present (due to a lack of licences).
To be honest the Prime VM has more than twice the resources of the Cisco WCS server it replaced and runs much slower and is more unreliable. We are not particularly happy with it at present. The disk space is an issue for us at the moment as we don't have a lot free on our SAN.
I have not gone to 2.x yet as i'm waiting for a release to bring it in parity with LMS and only need the wifi functionality at the moment.