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Select Clients Dropping Wireless Connection On 5500 WLC

Level 1
Level 1

Recently, my system bought around 800 of the Lenovo Gen 4 Chromebooks. We already had around 2500 Gen 3 100e's that worked perfectly fine, still do. We divided the new laptops out to the locations, and 2 of the 10 locations are having issues where the laptop will disconnect from the WIFI (As in every new device drops off the WIFI within 30-45 minutes of using). We have two controllers, one 5500 for the two locations in question, and a 5520 for the other eight. The other eight locations have given us no grief. Which makes me think it could have something to do with the 5500. The only issue is, I'm not sure where to start looking. Any help would be appreciated.

We have a mix of AP's at the locations. At one location we have 1832 AP's with 1702 AP's, at the other newer location we have 9100 series AP's.

20 Replies 20


        >...where the 1702i AP's are not wanting to get out of the download loop.
                 - Post console boot process of those APs


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '

Does this help?

extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/triggerfish_cpld.img (2460 bytes)
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/uart_firmware_upgrade.bin (18818 bytes)
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/MCU.bin (9031 bytes)cisco
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/info (292 bytes)
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/img_sign_rel.cert (1468 bytes)
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/img_sign_rel_sha2.cert (1545 bytes)
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/file_hashes (8698 bytes)
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/final_hash (141 bytes)
extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/final_hash.sig (512 bytes)
extracting info.ver (292 bytes)
*Apr 2 22:45:56.551: Currently running a Release Image

*Apr 2 22:45:56.575: Using SHA-2 signed certificate for image signing validation.
*Apr 2 22:45:56.647: %PKI-3-CERTIFICATE_INVALID_NOT_YET_VALID: Certificate chain validation has failed. The certificate (SN: 02A79669ACDDF395D2103895880438649829) is not yet valid Validity period starts on 16:53:06 UTC Dec 7 2022
*Apr 2 22:45:56.647: Image signing certificate validation failed (1A).

*Apr 2 22:45:56.647: Failed to validate signature
Password: 2 22:45:56.647: Digital Signature Failed Validation (flash:/update/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JK10/final_hash)
*Apr 2 22:45:56.647: AP image integrity check FAILED
Aborting Image Download

*Apr 2 22:45:58.647: DTLS_CLIENT_ERROR: ../capwap/base_capwap/dtls/base_capwap_dtls_record.c:169 Pkt too old last_seq_num : 44869,Received sequence num: 1 distance: -44868
Download image failed, notify controller!!! From: to, FailureCode:3

Scratch that I moved the time to a date before dec 2022 and it looks like after a reboot my 1702i's are coming back.

Do I need to set the date to a date after Dec 2022?

As I already said below - you must follow all the steps in the field notices.
- Update software to latest - on 5508 and on 5520
- Configure config ap cert-expiry-ignore mic enable on the WLC as per FN63942
- Set date back to allow APs to join and download
- Once APs have downloaded new software and config from WLC (telling them to ignore expired certs) then WLC time can be set back to NTP as normal.

@HoustonW Have you followed all the steps in ?

Also see and which often affects 1702 APs.

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