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configuration commit auto-save filename

We found a couple issues with this command.  The first is pretty major.  If you do a 'commit' it works as expected and you get a backup copy of your config to your location of choice.  Alternatively, if you do an 'end' followed by 'yes' nothing happens.  Your changes are committed, but since you did not type 'commit', no backup is generated.  Can we get a bug fix for this so that any commits, even if you don't explicitly type 'commit', generate a backup file?


This could be a few minutes if your config is large. Confirm? [y/n][confirm]y

Does not work:

Uncommitted changes found, commit them before exiting(yes/no/cancel)? [cancel]:y


The other issue is with using this command when your FTP server is on a VRF.  The syntax you need is as follows:

configuration commit auto-save filename ftp://username:password@A.B.C.D;VRF_NAME/folder/file.extension

The command reference documentation could use this update.

5 Replies 5

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Ben,


What code are you currently on and what code do you plan to move to in the future?


Very few people use the commit auto-save but I can look into this with that development team to see if we can get this enhancement added; I imagine it has to do with the order in which the saving happens.

The reason people don't use the auto-save is because it does not generate a unique name. If that is also something you are interested in I could talk to the DEs about adding a knob for adding the timestamp to the file name.


I'm not in front of a router right this second so I don't recall if there is a keyword for VRF in that CLI string, but I do agree that the ;VRF_NAME is very well hidden in the command docs. I'll talk with the doc team to get this fixed.




Thanks for the update, Sam.  Customer is on 5.1.3 SP2 and will go to recommended code upgrades (SP3 is out now, and then 5.3.x will probably be next once it gets the gold star from Cisco).

All we want to do is save an copy of the running config on an FTP server whenever the config changes (either by commit, or end/yes).

Customer is aware the 9k saves the config, but just wants an offsite copy, that's all.


Hi Ben,


I have filed the enhancements as well as a doc bug to cover the VRF issue and a previous bug I had found (CSCuj28430).


These are the enhancements:

CSCuu24739 commit auto-save not triggered by end and yes
CSCuu24747 commit auto-save unique filename

CSCuu24767 commit auto-save (doc bug)




Is "CSCuu24747 commit auto-save unique filename" working in any version.

I want the auto-save to generate a unique name which include timestamp.

We upgraded one of our IOS-XR routers to 6.4.2 recently and the "enhancement" of including a timestamp in the name of the auto-save file is actually a major problem and I don't see an option to have the timestamp omitted.  We keep copies of running configs on a TFTP server and you can't save a file to a TFTP server if that file doesn't already exist.  Since timestamps are being automatically appended during an auto-save, the copy to TFTP doesn't work.  Is there a work-a-round?