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[IOS XR] Part 2 of 2 (activate software): Failed

Hi guys, good morning. Could you, as far as possible, help me with the question below?


- Command: admin install add disk0:/asr9k-px-6.4.2.CSCvr78185.pie activate synchronous

- Hash md5 is correct. File not corrupted;



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:RTDXX#admin show install log 25 verbose
Thu Aug 5 09:41:24.399 UTC

Install operation 25 started by user '<USER>' via CLI at 01:09:21 UTC Thu Aug 05 2021.
(admin) install add /disk0:/asr9k-px-6.4.2.CSCvr78185.pie activate synchronous
Install operation 25 completed with failure at 01:11:15 UTC Thu Aug 05 2021.

Install logs:
Install operation 25 '(admin) install add /disk0:/asr9k-px-6.4.2.CSCvr78185.pie activate synchronous' started by user '<USER>' via CLI at 01:09:21 UTC Thu Aug 05
Part 1 of 2 (add software): Started
Info: The following package is now available to be activated:
Info: disk0:asr9k-px-6.4.2.CSCvr78185-1.0.0
Info: The package can be activated across the entire router.
Part 1 of 2 (add software): Completed successfully
Part 2 of 2 (activate software): Started
Info: After this install operation, some SMU package(s) are fully/partially superceded. The fully superseded SMUs can found using CLI: 'show install
Info: superceded'. If found those can be deactivated using CLI: 'install deactivate superceded'.
Info: Install Method: Parallel Process Restart
Install operation 25: load phase started at 01:10:29 UTC Thu Aug 05 2021.
Error: The install completed however system error happened after the point at which the install operation could be aborted.
Error: ERROR: Node responded with an error when completing the change of running software via System Manager. (Details: 'Package File System' detected the
Error: 'fatal' condition 'can't acquire an internal lock': Invalid argument)
Error: Please collect diagnostic information using '(admin) show tech-support install'
Info: The changes made to software configurations will not be persistent across system reloads. Use the command '(admin) install commit' to make changes
Info: persistent.
Info: Please verify that the system is consistent following the software change using the following commands:
Info: show system verify
Info: install verify packages
Part 2 of 2 (activate software): Failed. Error information available as part of command output above. For more information see '(admin) show install log 25'
Part 1 of 2 (add software): Completed successfully
Part 2 of 2 (activate software): Failed. Error information available as part of command output above. For more information see '(admin) show install log 25'
Install operation 25 completed with failure at 01:11:15 UTC Thu Aug 05 2021.

Sub-operation 1:
Started at: 01:10:29 UTC Thu Aug 05 2021
Install method: Parallel Process Restart
Summary of changes on nodes 0/RSP0/CPU0, 0/RSP1/CPU0:
Activated: iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185-1.0.0
Impacted: iosxr-mcast-6.4.2
1 iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185 processes affected (1 updated, 0 added, 0 removed, 0 impacted)

Summary of changes on nodes 0/0/CPU0, 0/1/CPU0, 0/2/CPU0:
Activated: iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185-1.0.0
1 iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185 processes affected (1 updated, 0 added, 0 removed, 0 impacted)

Summary of changes on node 0/3/CPU0:
Activated: iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185-1.0.0
1 iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185 processes affected (1 updated, 0 added, 0 removed, 0 impacted)

Installation changes:
Sub-operation 1:

Installation changes on nodes 0/RSP0/CPU0, 0/RSP1/CPU0:
Replacing and restarting process: cdp
Replacing DLL: libmrib6_hash.dll
Replacing DLL: libmrib_hash.dll
Replacing file: cdp_cmds.parser
Replacing file: cdpmib_cmds.parser

Installation changes on nodes 0/0/CPU0, 0/1/CPU0, 0/2/CPU0:
Replacing and restarting process: cdp

Installation changes on node 0/3/CPU0:
Replacing and restarting process: cdp

Installation impact details:
Sub-operation 1:
Output format:
<Level> (<Impact>:<Note>) <Name> <Type>[package:component]
Level : the distance from the process along the DLL dependency chain
Impact : a one character indication of how this server or DLL is impacted:
C modified; A added; R removed; I impacted by its dependencies
Note : blank, or one of these annotations:
d duplicate (this DLL has already been listed previously for this process)
s self-managing (this server self-manages changes in its dependencies
Name : the name of this server or DLL
Type : "server" or "DLL"
Package : the Package containing this server or DLL
Component: the source code component containing this server or DLL

Node class: CRS-RP-X86
2 nodes: 0/RSP0/CPU0, 0/RSP1/CPU0
1 Changed or Impacted Servers that will be restarted
0 (C: ) cdp server [iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185:cdp.x86e]

Node class: NP200-MOD-SMEM
3 nodes: 0/0/CPU0, 0/1/CPU0, 0/2/CPU0
1 Changed or Impacted Servers that will be restarted
0 (C: ) cdp server [iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185:cdp]

Node class: A9K-TOMAHAWK
1 node: 0/3/CPU0
1 Changed or Impacted Servers that will be restarted
0 (C: ) cdp server [iosxr-fwding-6.4.2.CSCvr78185:cdp.x86e]



1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

When we go to activate software we get a config lock so no further commits can happen, its a safeguard. It looks like the config is either in an inconsistent state or another user/session was using the config lock (config exclusive is the biggest cause of this). We can also do a clear configuration inconsistency.

