Hi, I want to be able to send SIP OPTIONS pings from my IOS XR and XE routers to voice SBCs.
The endpoint SBCs may or may not have ICMP echo available as a test mechanism, and may or may not be administered by my org. A SIP OPTIONS ping is the most reliable way to verify an SBC is reachable.
SIP OPTIONS pinging from an attached workstation does not scale because of the number of POPs and VRFs we have.
These routers generally do not have voice features enabled.
At a minimum, parameters to such a command need to be VRF, source IP, and message count. Ideally, TCP vs UDP transport should also be selectable.
Can I do this using an IOS XR Python exec script? In other words, does the API offer the ability to put crafted packets on the wire?
If not, is there another way?