Hi Cisco Team,We are planning to develop and integrate with Broadworks R23, We need your help to extend our BW R23 Sandbox 2~3 months.Our Sandbox ID is: e9a73238-7941-4762-a1e1-fa71334230bdThanks,
Hello everyone,is there a way to subscribe an entire group to a call event using one of HTTP Contact or Event Channel methods.We were able to subscribe single users but for an entire group, if we do not know how many users that group has, that would ...
Hello everyone,we were able to subscribe to one of the call events with HTTP Contact method and we are receiving all the notifications on thethe URI we provided (e.g. on/off hook).We are using the Bria Solo client to test the calls. The problem is th...
Hi Is it possible to originate a call from broadworks call center? I was able to find similar function for route point but not call center. http(s)://<host:port>/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions/v2.0/routepoint/<routepointid/calls/new I understand that rout...
We have multiple users login in into our system. Where we subscribe to Broadsoft call events.First user that logs in everything works fine. All the calls are represented fine. When Second User logs in sometimes the first user's subscription is termin...
Hey guys, We want to request many times the Broadworks XSI API.Even Thinking in make request in parallel. Is there any request/transactions rate limitation?If so, Is this limitation per user? Where could I find more information about this? Regards,
I'm using PHP to create a channel. After posting to the Broadsoft server, a Channel is created and returned, but immediately it also returns a ChannelTerminatedEvent. Any ideas why?
Hello,I'm calling following API for new call from postman and in response I'm getting call id too.http://broadsoftsandboxxsp.cisco.com/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions/v2.0/user/u97******61@b********b.com/calls/new?address=97******61&format=json But using t...
Hello,We're using Broadworks Xtended Services Interface for calling purpose.We have found following URL for new callhttp(s)://host:port/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions/v2.0/user/<userid>/calls/newWe do not know what to use in the place of host:port.Do we n...
Hi all.I found that I'm unable to login to Broadworks using my 22.5.2 Uc-One Communicator. So, I have user "u9736722285" in my group SergeyKhim-Grp1.User has "Uc-One" service assigned (see screenshot).I created "UcOne1" Device Profile of "Business Co...
I've created an eventchannel and XSP server responds with a channelId. But when I try to send a heartheartbeat I get a 404 Not Found in return. I've tried testing different users, testing with admin user (unauthorized), changing ChannelSetId and use...
Hi All , This is to get know about creating new "Identity/Device Profiles" which govern the behaviour of SIP user to operate in "tightly coupled / thin client / soft switch handles INFO of HOOK FLASH event " The default one is "loosely coupled / thic...
We have successfully implemented broadsoft in a few of our clients, but recently encountered a problem where we get valid responses for: "<host:port>/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions/v2.0/..." calls and are working properly.But get "404 not found" when we c...
Hi. There are 2 problems. 1) Couldn't upload Custom files for my identity device profile.So, I go to Group (SergeyKhim-Grp1) > Resources > Identity Device Profiles, select my profile which is "ipbs3sergascom1", then go to Files tab click on any file,...