Jabber 12.X and Expressways 12.x
IM/Presence Server 12.x
CUCM 12.x
I am trying to find documenation on how Jabber CHAT and SCREEN SHARE
Flow in the following example:
Two remote clients accessing network via MRA no VPN.
Jabber User A and Jabber User B are CHATTING with each other and are NOT on premise.
Expressway Edge and Core have been deployed. Does User A and User B,
what is the flow of the chat information between User A and User B?
User A does a IM Screen Share (BFCP) with User B. Does the screen share go through the Expressway Core
and Edge via Hair Pin?
I would like to find a Cisco docuement showing the flow of Chat and Screen Share.
I have found the information on how the Media flows but no flow information
on how Chat and Screen share flow.
Are Chat and Screen Share part of the media stream?
Thank you.