Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-06-2001

User Statistics

  • 120 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 70 Helpful votes Given
  • 14 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Jabber 12.X and Expressways 12.xIM/Presence Server 12.xCUCM 12.xI am trying to find documenation on how Jabber CHAT and SCREEN SHAREFlow in the following example:Two remote clients accessing network via MRA no VPN.Jabber User A and Jabber User B are ...
I have two CUCM clusters.  Each running 12.5 Code.I wish to build a NON-Gateway Controlled Inter Cluster Trunk between them.   I am trying to find what Ports need to be allowed through Firewalls.I found multiple documents show Intra-Cluster Trunk por...
new install of CER in Germany.  First time.  Germany has TWO emergency numbers that I am aware of 110 and 112. During installation of the CER VM, Asked what the emergency number is.  In the US 911 used.  However how do I put TWO numbers in the CER,  ...
Customer has purchased a CUCM/UC 12.5 for a on premise Cluster.   Customer has 30 sub-companies.  They wish to create their own HCS platform.  Each sub-company is to be a "tentant" on the CUCM/UC cluster.   Is there a Design or SRND that shows exampl...
Issue started around Oct 2019 when customer moved to a different provider of services.  Intermittantly users meet in a meeting.  3 users from across the company meet.  Several times one of the users is disconnect from the meeting ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-06-2001 12:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-14-2022 01:41 AM
Posts 120
Total Helpful Votes Received 14
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