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Justin Ferello
Level 5
Level 5


This is a document I created that we use in tech support & installs.  This is a list of the search rules that we suggest here at KBZ and they seem to work great.



Agile Support
Level 1
Level 1

Thank you! I had often wondered why a document of this type hadn't been created.

I now just need to try and decipher what each rule performs  


Darren McKinnon
Level 1
Level 1

I love this document too, but I am having a problem.  I have a URI I need to connect to externally (alias@IPaddress).  When I dialing, the VCS applies Local Zone Match 2 from above.

How do you suggest I create a rule that will send this to the traversal zone, but still allow IP dialing for internal calls if users need to. (mostly we use aliases, but occasionally they they need to dial an IP.

Level 4
Level 4

Great doc Justin.  Thank you very much for sharing that!


Hi Justin,

For starters; Thanks for the effort of making this document!

It's a "very nice to have" document although i think you should mention that the LocalZone Match3 rule only applies when you have the ISDN GW CPL rules in place. Otherwise i think this entry is going to be used in a lot of configurations even when there is no ISDN GW involved.

Just a heads up, not trying to be cocky 

Chris Swinney
Level 5
Level 5

Hi Darren/Justin,

Firstly, many thanks for the document - it think it will provide some people with an idea on where to go.

I personally don't like the use of an ANY ANY rule,  especially so high up in the search criteria as I think that you might run  into problems such as Darren mentions above. All of my higher rules use  RegEx similar to that which you have shown. I tend to ANY ANY rules  toward the end the dial plan, by only to direct things back out to the VCS-E. Having an ANY ANY rule high up (Priority 40), pretty much defeats the object of the lower (priority 50), more prescribed rules as everything has already been matched!

WRT the IP dialling, yes  it is possible that "LocalZone Match2" will be matched as you are simply  matching on ANY IP address, however, if the device is not registered  internally, no device should be found and the search will contnue

eventually trigering  "TraversalZone Match2" and send the request to the VCS-E (assuming you have the "Calls to unknown IP addresses" in the Dial Plan  configuration set to Indirect). The VCS-E will then run through its search rules  and if the endpoint with the IP address is registered there, then it  should be found in the VCS-E local zone. If you are looking to call external IP's then the VCS-Es "Calls to unknown IP addresses" in the Dial  Plan configuration set to Direct.

Chris Swinney
Level 5
Level 5

Hi Matthijs,

We use the Global Dialling scheme and the National Gatekeeper Hierarchy (maintained by JANET in the UK). This actually utilises the E.164 number of H.323 devices to route calls to the correct zone. Because of the this, the rules shown in this document are actually very similar to what we would have to do WITHOUT an ISDN Gateway.

Where we have set up ISDN gateways, we set up a SIP trunk so requests with a given prefix are passed down the Neighboured Zone. In addition, I don't think we have ever set up an ISDN gateway that is accessible from the external VCS-E to ensure that the "source" is set to local zone, and its search rule set up to only work for authenticated requests.



your doc help me a lot and get my fwr my plan . i stuck with this convertion (get iside to my vcs)  and to get .


do you have a suggestion ?



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