on 01-25-2014 09:57 AM
Do we know what will the agent status be during this period? Talking / In conference?
The agent makes a consultation call to invoke the mechanism. The agent desktop just looks as it would for a normal consult scenario -- incoming call on hold and talking on the consult leg. You can of course alternate back to the incoming leg and wait for the caller voice path to return if you wish.
Is there any further update on Temporary IVR Handoff .
Is custom TCL now merged with survivability.?
Also is it tested on CUBe?
Not yet although with the increased level of interest I've being seeing this year I tend to think the effort is becoming necessary. Really just a matter of priorities, especially as merging with survivability is absolutely non-trivial.
Just out of interest, it would be great to know how many of the community are actually using this solution. I get quite a lot of queries as to how we can handle the temporary IVR handoff scenario but very little indication as to how often it makes it into active service.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your message , We are looking to comply with PCI requirements hence the need for solution like this.
Is it possible to have copy of the custom TCL scripts ?
We are already developing our own TCL’s for other purposes so it will be good to see what we can do with them.
Ashish Garg
Everything is available here https://cisco.box.com/IVR-Handoff
Long awaited CUBE edition now posted there for anyone interested who missed the tweet. A few improvements also. Updated doc still to be posted but only minor changes to the way you use it. As always with custom components provided to the community -- "sold-as-seen", use at own risk, support is best-effort only.
IVR Handoff version that works with CVP Survivability just posted.
Hi Paul,
I hope you are doing fine. We were exactly looking for the possibility of same requirement.
I am running the same thing in lab having one VG acting as ingress and VXML.
Is it possible for you to share the exact configuration of Ingress/VXML gateway. I am trying to use the above document and during Consult transfer the IVR gets mute for both Agent & Caller.
However I cannot the see the IVR-Handoff: ;;invoke=true in ccsip messages.
Please help.
Thank you
Muhammad Fahad Raza
At the link is a cut-down config from the lab with relevant parts in bold text, assuming you're using the latest CVP survivability-compatible version. Start troubleshooting using "debug voip applic script" and send me the output if you wish.
Dear Paul,
Please find below the file containing VG logs with configuration.
I am using cvp_ivrhandoff version starting from Page 5.
Also will it work with FXO port using analog line ?
Muhammad Fahad Raza
I don't see any incoming calls in the log matching the incoming dial-peer which the handoff service is configured on. Also, there's no dial-peer to route the shunt calls (when it gets to that stage). Regarding FXO, at a quick glance in the code, I don't see anything immediately obvious to prevent use with FXO but it's not something I've tried or tested.
Dear Paul,
Thanks for quick reply.
Agent is dialing 45229 associated with UCM routing client, does it required to be configured in the cvp_ivrhandoff.tcl script? What is 4870 number in this script?
Regarding the shunt calls are you talking about outgoing VoIP dial‐peer? I am assuming my Ingress/VXML are same.
It would be great if I can have the exact running configuration from any VG.
Please correct me if I misunderstood anything.
Thank you
Sorry, I don't understand. Why is the agent dialing 45229? You don't have to modify anything in the TCL files. 4870 is the default prefix used on the shunt calls if you don't specify one as a service parameter. In the posted config, I'm actually using 488x as the prefix.
There are 3 dial peers that are important:
Note the starting point and call flows in the mechanism section in the document.
Before activating the handoff mechanism:
I'd suggest you contact me directly if this isn't making sense.
Hi Paul,
This handoff would work when there is one inbound and one outbound call , but if both are outbound calls.
Sandeep Chib
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