on 01-24-2014 06:00 PM
I got an early version somehow. :-) So I am using what I believe to be the new library with UCCX 10.0 Finesse. Does what Joseph mentioned have anything to do with users of the javascript library? My understanding is that as gadgets using the javascript library we are all sharing the same BOSH connection. So the question is has there been a change in how many times a single gadget can specify callbacks?David Lender:Finesse 10.0 javascript library has not yet been released or did you get an early version somehow? The finesse 9.1(1) javascript library is not supported on UCCX 10.0 Finesse.
Only the Require feature = “setprefs” is new for 10.0 regarding requirements for a gadget.
I have the same problem, the same API as Kevin used,
_user = new finesse.restservices.User({
id: _prefs.getString("id"),
onLoad: _handleUserLoad,
onChange: _handleUserChange,
onError: _handleUserError
today the first time I use finesse 10 to load our product gadget which is running for a long time on finesse 9 without problem, but in finesse 10, it can not working as _handleUserLoad event not triggered, strange thing is, if I move the gadget in a single tab, it will work, if it is inside the same tab with other gadgets, it will not trigger.
Are you using the 10.0 version of the Finesse Javascript library?
It is available for download here
we have scruple to update to 10, is it compatible with finesse9, as most of our client are using finesse9 currently.
I have try finessejs 10 today, I found the document is really not good, there are a new config required for the
finesse.clientservices.ClientServices.init(Config), that is localhostPort, I do not see any words mentioned in the js doc, I have to look into the code to get this information.
And for the nocache parameter in the finesse desktop url, I found it will be easy to make the finesse load partly code of the content, so the "should" work js file became not work as it have not loaded completely into the gadget.
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