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ADMIN SCRIPTS AND ROUTING SCRIPTS details closing Hours of Operations




i have one idea , please help me to understand, this will work or not. we have lots of Admin scripts, and also lots of global variable are referring to routing scripts to check the closing hours of operation.


my Idea is instead of having global variables to connect admin scripts for check the status . why we cant have the date and time checking in the routing script itself and play the respective  wav file whether its closing or holidays.  is there any impact is there if we will do everything in routing scripts itself.please let me know, really need your inputs.


Any suggestion on this


Thank you for prompt responses!!!!

2 Replies 2

Hey Roy,

The idea that you presented can be implemented. In general, you can use the date/time checks in the routing scripts to check the availability of the call center. But let's look a the following example.

In your call center, you have multiple routing scripts assigned to multiple numbers. On those routing scripts one skill group appears multiple times. Let's assume that agents are available in this skill group only during a defined time frame.

If you would place the login on the Routing Scripts, then in each script you will need to check the time conditions. If someone decides to change the availability time, then you would need to change all the routing scripts to apply the new time.

If the solution is built on top of Admin Scripts then in the routing scripts you only check the value of the global variable and based on the value you select the routing path. In this case, applying the change equals making a change only in one place.


What you will need to remember is some differences between Admin and Routing Scripts.

  • Admin Scripts from a logical point of view are designed to allow Business Managers to change business parameters like - open hours, availability of some parts of the IVR, including additional messages. Routing Scripts are used for routing logic based on the business parameters.
  • Admins Scripts are scripts triggered by the internal Router Scheduler and can change only some parameters - global parameters that exist in CC. Routing Scripts are triggered by events - incoming call, incoming chat etc.and define routing strategy for every task

And last but not least. Version 12 brings some enhancements to the system - finally there as a chance to define the open hours within built-in UI, not using workarounds. But in my opinion, it's still not enough. In my opinion, the best option is to store the definition of open hours in the external systems like: database or system accessed by WebApi, and provide access to them directly from Routing Script (via dedicated script elements). For this still, we need CVP.

UCCE, PCCE, UCCX, WxCC, Cisco Finesse, Custom Gadget, CVP, CUIC, CUCM

Marek ,
database or system accessed by WebApi, and provide access to them directly from Routing Script (via dedicated script elements). For this still, we need CVP.
----------------- Could you please tell me the flow for this connection , so i can go ahead with your approach. please help me on this.

1.How i need call the from ICM ?
i know from DBlookup we can read the DB information.
2.What should i do in CVP ?
Can you please explain the flow . which you have now then i can go ahead with your approach.

Appreciate your responses!!!!!!!
