Member since ‎02-16-2019

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  • 60 Helpful votes Received
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Hi Experts , last week we had deployed on IVR application two xml file has been modifed and updated , it was working fine for 1 hour after that all appliaction are  impacted . there was call drop on the VRU node in ICM , there was no call hit on VXML...
Hello Experts, just want to know how do i get EWT details from task routing API? which API i have to call ? any configuration on ICM side ? anything i have to do while submitting the task submission API request to social miner . Currently i am gettin...
Hello Experts , is there any way , can we convert the  deployed application to call flow element ?   Thanks!Roy S
Hello Experts , I would like to develop the RSM application on PCCE , Can you please help me to get startup guide  Appreciate all your responses !!!!!!  Thanks!Roy
Hi Experts ,  we have got below logs for very few calls in prod , could you please give some insights on this error and how to avoid this one  and need fix as well ?,01/29/2021 13:07:06.650,A VoiceXML error occurre...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-16-2019 05:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-20-2021 11:53 AM
Posts 157
Total Helpful Votes Received 60
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Community Spotlight Award
English Community, Developer of the Month, December 2020
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