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AQM/Calabrio Licensing

Jason Amick
Level 1
Level 1

Question in regards to AQM licensing.  Does anyone have any experience with adding additional AQM licensing to UCCX.  We are currently at our threshold of 350 and we reached out to our re-seller for and purchased 70 additional licenses for AQM.  We received the PAK from our re-seller and I have been back in forth with TAC and Calabrio on helping get this new license file fulfilled and installed.  I just want to be sure when I go to the cisco licensing portal to get the PAK fulfilled when it asks for a target node (Assign to Devices) that I should specify the MAC of the UCCX server?  Also I want to be sure that adding this new license file to UCCX that it is just adding additional AQM licenses and will not interfere with our current licenses/UCCX seats.  Does anyone have any prior experience with this?  Thanks!!


24 Replies 24

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

If your AQM licenses are applied to CCX (depending how you bought them initial, you can check by going to licenses menu in CCX appadmin page) you just fulfill the new PAK with the license MAC of the CCX server. All CCX licenses are cumulative hence they will be added to whatever is there already.

Chris, Thanks for you quick response.  I dont know how they were initially purchased as I just started 2 weeks ago and never had any prior experience with AQM.  According to our reseller the AQM licenses sit on top of UCCX seats.  Since you say they are cumulative then I will fulfill the new PAK with the license MAC of our UCCX box and then add the new license file to CCX.  This all can be done during normal business hours correct?  This wouldnt for any reason require a reboot of UCCX for the system to recognize the added licenses?  Thanks!!

To check your current licenses login to CCX admin page, go to System --> License information --> display licenses, and if you are unsure how to read it you can post it here.

No reboot is required when adding licenses.

Hi Jason,


Please find attached a sample license file that shows how the AQM license fits inside the same license that is used for UCCX. Since, you have not purchased it earlier, just get in touch with Cisco Licensing Team and provide them the License MAC of CCX Publisher and request for the number of AQM seats that you require. The below screenshot from my lab server shows a full blown UCCX system with AQM seats installed as well as along with WFM and Compliance Recording seats as well. Please note the same license file that had been attached to this post is the one that had been uploaded to my UCCX server



And of course, no reboot is required after installing the license.






Thanks for the response.  I think I may need some clarification on how the licensing works.  Below is my current count 350 AQM seats and 400 Maximum agents.  Are you saying I did not need to purchase more licenses all I needed to do is contact cisco licensing team and have them gen up a new license file to increase the AQM seats?


Hi Jason,


400 maximum agents what you are able to see there is the maximum capacity what UCCX can have as agents

 Your actual agents count is 215 and your system is currently licensed for 350 AQM seats. If you need more AQM seats that I beleive you already have purchased the PAK for 70 agents, then you will need to contact Licensing Team and asked them to issue you the license for additional 70 seats for AQM against that PAK that you will then upload to CCX.

Also when you just have 215 agents seat license at the moment and maximum can go only uptill 400, I am not sure why you are adding more AQM licenses. You already have a buffer of around 135 seats but since you already have purchased the PAK so I beleive go ahead and upload it, may be you can use it in future.






Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I am understanding everything correctly..  I understand that the max agents our system can support is 400 and we are licensed for 215 (concurrent) agents.  So I have only been working for this company for 2 weeks and in the past they have contacted their re-seller to add additional AQM/QM licenses here and there sometimes in smaller quantities and some as large as 50.  The cost/quote each time from the re-seller is around 500 per AQM seat/license.  So are you saying we are buying licenses that in theory we do not need to purchase but already have? All we need to do is contact the licensing team at cisco to gen up a license file to increase our count? 

Yes Jason, you already have ample amount of AQM seat license that can allow you to record all of your agents. You have 350 AQM seats whreas your total number of agents is only 215. As far as teaching out to Licensing Team is concerned, if you already have purchased and pais for additional 70 seats for AQM and have not received the license file then only reach out to them

 If you have not purchased additional AQM seats yet and were in the process to do so then there is no need

 Your existing license for AQM seats should allow you to record all of your 215 agents.






I actually have a total of 360 agents/resources in the system.  From my understanding is I can configure as many agents as I need but the max agents concurrently logged in would be 215 (permium seats).  Thats the caveat I actually have 360 agents configured in the system who all need to be recorded but only about 150 are logged in at any given time.  I need an AQM license for each of my 360 agents configured in the system.  Hopefully this will shed some light on my issue.  Thanks!!

You can configure as many agents as you want but system will not allow to login more than the number of agent seats license you have (215 in this case) at a given point of time. The AQM seats licnese that you have there are not bind on a specific (1:1) basis for your agents. What this means is that even if all of your 215 agents are logged in at the same time you will still be able to record all of them. What will you do by having 360 AQM seats license when you will only be able to use 215 at any given point of time.

So I am not sure where the confusion lies.

From AQM perspective it should pull all of your 360 resources that are configured in UCCX and should consume 1 AQM license while recording 1 agent irrespective of the fact that you only have 350 AQM seats right now. Is that not the case





Maybe the below screenshot will help.  The reason I am confused is because on the QM Admin side you do license the agents on a 1:1 basis which would mean I have to license each agent in QM whether they are logged in or not.  Thanks!!


Alright Jason, I understand now what you are trying to say here in regards to the AQM licensing. You have configured a total of 360 active agents under RmCM Resources on UCCX and you want AQM based recording to work for all of them. Now assuming that these 360 agents will not always work at the same time but at different shifts. From that perspective, yes you will need to have 360 AQM seat licenses because each user license in case of QM is for a named (not concurrent) user. For example, a contact center with three shifts of 100 agents and supervisors needs 300 named user licenses. Each person in a shift of 100 users uses the license associated with them during their shift.





Awesome response, hopefully this discussion will help other users in the future because there was no previous discussion on this.  Good news is we needed to purchase the additional licenses, bad news they are still expensive.  Thanks again for your response.  Looks like I just need to fulfill the PAK from the cisco licensing portal and then upload the new license file to the CCX server and I should be in the clear.  Thanks again for helping me understand the licensing behind this!!

Indeed a good discussion Jason and I am sure next tine someone having same set of questions will not need to go in a detailed discussion about this. It should be pretty straight forward for them. Your plans to get the new license is on track so just continue with that, I know they are expensive but it is the need of time :)

