Hi all,
I am going building PCCE 11.6 for learning. My lab has 1 Rogger, 1 AWDB, 1 PG (ICM 11.6.2), 1 CUCM, 1 CVP-OAMP (same server), 1 Finesse, 1 CUIC, 1 VVB. I deploy as Lab Mode with Simplex inventory and stuck at 19/21 step (system inventory creation).
I found this log in tomcat folder on AWDB server:
0000000699: Mar 22 2021 14:07:15.915 +0700: %CCBU_pool-1-thread-18-Infrastructure-4223-3-REST_API_EXCEPTION: %[exception=com.cisco.ccbu.cce.unifiedconfig.api.error.CceDBDataNotFoundException: The specified URL does not exist.][message_string=Error checking for config changes]: The REST API has caught an exception
0000000700: Mar 22 2021 14:07:15.915 +0700: %CCBU_pool-1-thread-18-Infrastructure-4223-3-EXCEPTION_INFO: %[build_date=Mar 04, 2019 6:19 AM][build_type=rel][exception=com.cisco.ccbu.cce.unifiedconfig.api.error.CceDBDataNotFoundException: The specified URL does not exist.
I tried to deploy many times and many ways, but always stuck at step 19:
1-patched ICM 11.6 with ES69
2-double check step " BUILTIN\Administrators: ensure that public and sysadmin are both checked "
Can anybody help me? I attached all logs and hope it helpful.