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Call variable with conferance

Level 1
Level 1

Hello All,


Agent and customer are talking then agent make a conferance call to another application(script) then we collect some data and assing them into the call variable , after the script was terminated , we are not able to see call veriable on agent desktop , what i am missing ?




7 Replies 7

Mark Swanson
Level 4
Level 4

After the call is handled by the agent, the script remains "active" for a short period of time. That's assuming you don't end the call. You have up to 5 seconds to pass any call variables via Set Enterprise Call Info step before the session is released. If agents call another script, then you should be using the Get and Set Enterprise Call Info steps in there. Why do they need to call another script? Try using redirect rather than conference unless they need to.

Hi Mark,


Thank you for response,

Let me give a detail about the flow;

Call was handled by agent , main script was terminated , agent and customer are talking ,  also we set some call veriable in the main script and used set enterprise call info step in the main script then agent and customer are connected and talking we can see veriable . thaks ok ! we do not have a problem but...


During the talking agent asking to customer to approve some info.  for example "do you give a permission to receive messages from our company ?" for this purpose , we make a transfer or conferance call with another application.


İf we make a transfer ;

At the begining in this application, we collected customer number from customer (get digit string)

Then, checked it from database query to customer have a permission or not ?

İf customer have a permission according to database reply we set a call veriable ,after that we make a "place call" in this script  we can connect the same agent who was transfered the call and display it to agent desktop succesfully (by the way we are using CAD), meanwhile agent to be ready to receive another calls and we do not want it , the same agent should be wait when customer making a choise in the app.


For this purpose , we decided to make a conferance with agent- customer - application  and after the customer input(database query-reply) we can terminate this application . But we are not able to  see any call veriable what we have already set.

I know you weren't explaining it to me, but I am interested in helping if I can. I still don't understand why your first agent is conferencing in the application. For example, are they just trying to get a script to read the DB and return to them the result of the permission? Then, I don't understand why you want the result to be in a call variable? Is it just so the Agent sees the result in CAD? Or are you wanted to attach the result as meta data to the original call record with custom call variables?

From the initial read through of your example, I think your main problem is going to be two fold:

1) The call variables are only updated when a new call is presented to the Agent, and thus, any changes to the call variables, in the manner you described, would not tigger an update in CAD. The Agent can however change the call variables as seen here:

2) The conferenced call will create a new contact in the system, and thus, setting any call variable data, I do believe, would be for that new contact, and not for the original call the Agent took. You might be able to work around this, if you could store the original contact as a variable in a session object, then in the second script pull the original session back based on the caller's phone number, then read out the contact variable, then use this contact variable in the Set Enterprise Info step.....maybe. I have not done this before.

Hello Anthony,


Thank you for reply,


Agents and customer are connected via main script ,


Some agents will forward some customer into the app. to check their approvement status and maybe customer want to update their status and after this app. how the agents know the result ? Agent should know the application result , because will talk with the customer regarding to result . For this reaose i am trying the use call veriable , if you have any other way to do this please specify,



It sounds like if you had a web page for the Agent to work within, where the web page would lookup the caller by phone number, and then show the Agent the properties for this caller's record, this would be a better solution than conferencing in an IVR.  This is commonly achieved by a CRM integration.  Do you have a CRM?

If not, do you have UCCX premium? And I think you might, since you mentioned a DB lookup. If so, then perhaps leveraging the HTTP Triggers in UCCX to build a web page for the Agent to work in, would be an alternative.

Example scenario:

  1. Caller calls in to main script, and gets connected to Agent.
  2. CAD's built in browser calls an HTTP Trigger on UCCX like http://uccxserver:9080/lookup?ANI={ANI}
  3. UCCX HTTP Trigger processes the request, using normal script steps, DB READ, etc., and returns a web page to the Agent with caller info
  4. Agent now sees the info, and if desired can update the info and submit it back to the HTTP Trigger
  5. If the script for the HTTP Trigger receives a form submission, process the info with a DB WRITE step

Your main challenge will likely be working with HTML/CSS/JS if you have never done this before. In which case, you could also have the web page built and maintained outside of UCCX, and CAD would just reference that other web server instead. Do you have web programming experience? Do you have web developers in your company?

"lookup the caller by phone number" if someone call us with another phone number which is not recognized by system then what happaned ? :)

Sorry, I guess I missed the part where your caller enters their customer number in the IVR. I would re-word my post to say that, you should ask the caller for their number in the main script, and let that get past to CAD for the agent to see and for the URL pop to use.