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CUIC 8.5.2 Cannot delete reports

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Team,

I cannot delete some CUIC report in my stock folder as I get the message "Failed to delete the report. It may have already been deleted by another user."

These reports were saved from the standard reports while the replication subscriber wasn't fully working.

Any idea why I cannot delete these report as for now the subscriber is now on line ?

Any help is very much appreciated


8 Replies 8

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Nick

If I try to understand the issue you had pointed out:

1) You cloned some STOCK reports in CUIC 8.5(2)

2) You are now unable to delete those CLONED reports.

This issue has nothing to do with the subscriber node being dowm/up when you cloned the reports.

I have the following questions:

1) Did you refresh the report page to see if your reports still exist under STOCK category?

2) Is there anyother user trying to delete the same report?

If you can send me the logs along with the reports which you are trying to delete, I can take a look

  Hi Venkataramanan

Thank you for helping me on this topic.

Let me detail the test I made as I wanted to see how resilient was the replication process when the Publisher was off line. I have a CUIC 8.5.2 Publisher and a Subscriber running on my site with both database replicated.

I disconnected the CUIC Publisher network cable, then I connected my IE web browser on the CUIC Subscriber admin web page.

In the Stock Report I selected a report "Agent Temps Historique" (Agent Historical) and I filled in the requested information @start_date, @end_date et @agent_list before lauching the report. (At this stage the report was running fine.)

Then I selected the “SaveAS” button and filled in the Name, Report category and the group permission and clicked on the “OK” button.

At that stage I got the following popup "Save operation failed (Retrieving filter by id java.lang.NullPointerException))".

However the report with the new name was saved without any details in the @start_date, @end_date et @agent_list ) fields.

Then, whenever I try to delete the « SaveAs » report I get another message : "Failed to delete the report. It may have already been deleted by another user"

The same error message appears even when I put the Publisher back online, making sure that the replication is running (with the command “utils dbreplication runtimestate”). I also selected the button “Synchronise Cluster” with no improvement.

See underneath the CUIC log (details attached) whenever I try to delete a report named "Test_Changement1" with the Publisher and the replication online:

0000000118: Sep 09 2011 14:12:20.165 +0200: %CCBU_CUIC_MODEL_OBJECTS-6-UPDATE_OBJECT: %[ARGUMENT=2A72597B10000132255734940A9D7C28][MARKER=START][]: UPDATE the specified object.
0000000201: Sep 09 2011 14:12:20.169 +0200: %CCBU___________CUIC-6-INFO:  Report '2A72597B10000132255734940A9D7C28' deleted <- []
0000000024: Sep 09 2011 14:12:20.214 +0200: %CCBU_CUIC_DATA_PROCESSING-3-EXCEPTION: %[EXCEPTION=org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): []]: There was an exception that occurred.

What bothers me is the fact that I cannot delete a report although I admit this report was saved in a awkward condition (users are not supposed to know whenever the Publisher is down). The Subscriber should refuse to save a new report whenever the Publisher is off line, if it cannot handle it.

Note: I did the same kind of test (Publisher disconnected) while declaring new users on a Subscriber. I didn’t get any error at all. When I re-connected the Publisher the users were properly replicated.


To answer your questions:

1) Did you refresh the report page to see if your reports still exist under STOCK category?


2) Is there anyother user trying to delete the same report?


Hi Nick,

While I take a look at your logs, i wanted to explain few points about replication.

Even if Publisher is down, Subscriber will be able to take in any config changes and when publisher come up, it will sync the changed delta to the publisher's database so that data in the cluster is in sync.

can you check if you can see this faulty report in the publisher node also?

Can you also confirm if this log contains the information about the faulty report creation also?

Let me look at the logs and if needed, I'll send you steps to enable additional logs and re-produce this issue.

Did you try re-booting CUIC server and then deleting the faulty report?



Hi Venkat,

I did reboot both CUIC server (Publisher and Subscriber) and I also tried deleting these reports from the CUIC web interface connected on the Publisher and Subscriber with no better improvement.

I still get the error message : " Failed to delete the report. It may have already been deleted by another user"

The logs only contails information when I tried deleting the report, not when the faulty error appeared. Eventually I can try duplicating the issue again if necessary.

Let me know if I need to do so and if you need any additional logs

Thanks & Regards


Hi Venkat,

Here is the CUIC log from the Subscriber when I tried to SaveAS "TEST LILO AGENT TEAM OCT 3rd". I got the error message "Save operation failed (Retrieving filter by id java.lang.NullPointerException)", however the report was saved wit no information  such as @start_date, @end_date and @agent_list

I then tried to delete the report and a popup message appeared "Failed to delete the report. It may have already been deleted by another user"



Hi Nick

Let me give one last try.. Can you send me  the copy of the faulty report which you created (XML) ? I can try to import the same and re-produce the issue in the lab over here.

I'll then let you know what is the root cause. Else I'll ask you to raise a case with CISCO TAC for resolution.

Note : I'm not able to re-produce this issue in my lab on a 2 node 8.5(2) setup

1) Is this a fresh installed setup of CUIC 8.5(2)  or was it upgraded from previous version to 8.5(2).

2) If this setup is upgraded from previous version, by chance did you ever switch back from 8.5(2) to previous release and then switched-over back to 8.5(2) ?



Hi Venkat

See attached the XML report which is making a mess with the CUIC.

This CUIC was upgraded from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2 however I didn't test if I had any error before with the 8.5.1 version.

I made further testing and it appears that the attached report is the faulty one, whether the Publisher is online or offline.  While the Publisher was offline, on the Subscriber, I tried to save other reports with different names and different stock report location without any problem, therefore this issue has nothing to do with the Publisher been unavailable.

I can run the report without any problem. But if I want to save it with another report name, I get the error message "Save operation failed (Retrieving filter by id java.lang.NullPointerException))". The new report is saved anyway and there is no possibility to delete the copy (or the original report).

Let me know if you manage to dupplicate the issue.

As for me the next step is to raise the issue to the TAC as I believe I should be able to delete any report.

Thanks & Regards


The original report was corrupted. Deleting the report addressed the issue