We have installed a new platform with UCCE / CVP 8.5.3
In most of cases, call flow is working fine. We noticed for a few calls, execptions when sending call to VRU in ICM.
due to exception in CallNewHandler
6603 60500: Jan 16 2012 15:37:52.264 +0100: %CVP_8_5_IVR-3-CALL_ERROR: Removing CALLGUID: A732F50000010000000027EA0BFA850A DNIS=7005700040212348 due to exception in CallNewHandler. (Client: Received ICM DialogFailure response for new call request. DialogFailure StatusCode: 15 HTTP req: { CALL_ID=A732F50000010000000027EA0BFA850A, CLIENT_TYPE=IOS, MSG_TYPE=CALL_NEW, RECOVERY_VXML=flash:recovery.vxml, CALL_DNIS=7005700040212348, CALL_UUI=, ERROR_CODE=NONE(0), CALL_ANI=sip:74026539@ } [id:3023]
Does anyone knows how should I understand this message ?