Abandoned is a term used in reporting. It simply means the opposite of Handled. A contact is only handled by one of two ways:
1. You mark the contact as handled within a script via the Set Contact Info step.
2. A queued contact gets handled by an Agent.
If one of those two this is not happening prior to the call disconnecting, then it's abandoned.
There is a grey area in reporting when the contact is not handled by the original trigger/application/script, but redirected to another trigger/app/script which does handled them. Then they are not marked as abandoned in the above sense, nor are they marked as handled. They are marked as Handled by Other.
The default Handled/Abandoned attribute of a contact is good for most applications, but in some cases, a more granular view into what happened to a contact is required. In those cases, I use the 10 custom call attributes each contact has, to flag or mark the contact accordingly. E.g., Sent to Voicemail, or Overflow Routing, or OffNet Transfer, or VIP Transfer.
The documentation you seek is built right in to the Historical Reporting Client. Just choose Help > Contents from the application, and read up on the different reports, their columns, and the definitions on where the values come from.
Hope that helps.
Anthony Holloway
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