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How to get Campain ID (from Call data) In CTIOS custom application

Malik Ehtasham
Level 1
Level 1

I am developing an custom application. I want when any call receive at agents end , a pop will show which contain the campaign id of that call.

The process is that, we define certain campaign , then our Outbound dialer dial the number and connection will establish between agent and customer. Agents need to ask specific question according to the campaign so i need to know that,  this call belongs to which campaign by recognizing the campaign id. So can any body know that how can we get the campaign id for the caller.

I have some knowledge development of CTI custom application.

18 Replies 18

Yes this is problem that i am getting " " empty values in the call variables.

I am accessing the variable in two events "OnCallEstablish"  "OnCalldelivered"

but still i am not be able to get it when i use call.Getalldata().

Although i can get the getAllPropeties in which i can see different values like ani, pheriphraid, skillgroupid etc.

I don't know why i am not getting the callvariables

dlender ascheik

Try using the Java sample JavaPhone in the CTIOS Toolkit and see if you can get the CallData including the Callvariables in your environment. Also, does the out of box CTIOS Agent Desktop display the callvariables correctly in the call appearance grid?

Dlender i am really grateful to your help but the problem is still un solved.

I just have install CTIOS tool kit on my local machine and i am able to receive call and can see call variable data .

They are receiving variable by calling one event which is OnCallBegin().

But when I have write OnCallBegin() event in my standalone application, its doesn't call by CTIOS, I don't know why its not calling this event, it's only return me OnDilvered, OnConnection, Onfailure, and oNEstablish event not CallBegin() event. Can you help in this?

I suggest (again) that you try using the sample JavaPhone to verify that the Java CIL is receiving the events (including BeginCall) and the call variables. You will see all the events in the log window.

If after comparing your code to the code in the JavaPhone sample you are still unable to get your code working, I suggest you purchase the fee based SOW consulting from our Custom Engineering team.

You can contact them by sending an email to<>