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ICM Script logic how to check specific PQ agents availability

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Guys,


There is one requirements could you please help us to get it done.


The requirements is PQ -TestAshley if this PQ agents are buys how to defined and route next PQ in ICM Scripts 


which we would use to check specific  PQ agents are buys or not then we will route to next PQ value .


Anyone could you please help me to get this and how to achieve this in ICM scripts



Appreciate all your responses!!!!!!!!!!!




11 Replies 11

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

i'm not sure I completely understand your post, but using the IF node in ICM you can do a PQ.PQName.Avail check or LoggedOn check.



Hello David ,


it seems your understand my question .


here can we check whethere PQ agents are in talking mode or not ? is it possible in ICM script to capture this ?




It is the same idea as what David mentioned above, in this case PQ.XXXXX.TalkingIn or TalkingOther, etc. Not sure why you'd want to look at that vs. David's suggestion of Avail=0 for instance, but if you look in the script editor you'll see the different options.


Thank you bill now got the flow

Appreciated your responses thanks

One thing to keep in mind is that you can NOT find out if agent Joan is available or talking via ICM script editor. Well at least not like this. This is just a cumulative number based on all agents in the PQ.



Hello David,


so you mean to say , we cant check the specific agents status right ?  we should able see the all agents which is assigned to same PQ  right ?


Our intend is Test1PQ all agents are busy we have to route to the Test2PQ.



That's correct on not being able to see individual agents. What you're trying to see if Text1PQ.Avail < 1 then rollover to Test2PQ will work.



Hello David ,


I am trying to see the If Text1PQ agents are busy i would like to route to Test2PQ Agents, can i have the expression for this to apply in ICM.




It is the same thing mentioned previously, PQ.Test1PQ.Avail=0 for instance.

so you mean to say , Below expression will say respective PQ agents are busy with other calls right ?


ICM Expression::::



PQ.Test1PQ.Avail < 1



Not exactly, well maybe. So Avail mean ready to take a call in the eyes of ICM. You used the word Busy which might mean multiple things, but in this case the agent could be in a Not Ready, Talking, Wrap up, etc.

