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Information to lock taskbar in CISCO AGENT DESKTOP (CAD)


Good Afternoon;


A pleasure to greet you , I need yur support so that you can help me with the following problem:

I would like to know how to lock the taskbar in the Cisco Agent Desktop ( CAD ) so that only supervisors have the privilege of placing the state users : Ready, Not Ready, End of Day , among others. Someone could tell me how to resolve this issue. This version is 7.1. I remain at your comments. Thanking  your cooperation.



Buenas Tardes;

Un gusto Saludarles, requiero de su apoyo a fin de que me puedan ayudar con el siguiente inconveniente:

Quisiera saber cómo bloquear la barra de Tareas en el Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD) de modo que solo los supervisores tengan el privilegio de colocar el estado a los usuarios: Ready, No Ready, Fin de Jornada, entre otros. Alguien podría indicarme como resolver este asunto. El contac center instalado es para la versión 7.1. Quedo a sus comentarios. Agradeciendo de antemano su colaboración.




3 Replies 3

Level 5
Level 5


If I understand you correctly you want to make the 'Ready' and 'Not Ready' buttons not accessible to the agent, correct?  If that's the case you should be able to edit their workflow group from Desktop Workflow Administrator and uncheck the 'Visble' box for 'Ready' and 'Not Ready'.


Cisco Desktop Work Flow Administrator > Work Flow Groups > (the work flow group you want to change) > CAD Agent > User Interface 


Here is a link to the Cisco Desktop Administrator User Guide for 7.0





Hi djlundberg

I appreciate your information, effectively I desire to lock the toolbar in CAD to Agents nevertheless hope that this permission is controlled by supervisors is possible to enable this through the workflow? Waiting for your comments. 

Best Regards!






I have not seen a way to 'lock the toolbar' without just removing the options.  Can you give a bit more information as to what you're trying to accomplish by doing this?