I had an issue with LD in my lab PCCE 12.5 so i started deleting the LD reports and definitions so i can reset the LD through CLI.
But in the lab when i run the command, i get the following error.
admin:set live-data cuic-datasource demo.lab.com 8444 CUIC\administrator
Enter password:
Executed command unsuccessfully
Error: This command cannot be executed in Packaged CCE.
It looks like Cisco has locked this command in PCCE mode. As this command executed successfully in UCCE 12.5 when i converted my lab from PCCE to UCCE. Changing the PCCE to UCCE and back is another set of challenge in 12.5, but at least i got the process figured out.
Please note this command used to work in 11.x PCCE.
admin:set live-data cuic-datasource demo.lab.com 8444 CUIC\administrator
Enter password:
Warning: hostname is IP = x.x.x.x - expected FQDN.
Warning: hostname is IP = x.x.x.x - expected FQDN.
Info: expanding configuration to side B
Warning: Live Data Side B is not configured. Failover will be disabled.
Id: A9F9325D100001590000000039ED7AF1
Name: Live Data Streaming Data Source
Type: Streaming
Side A:
CCE Live Data Service host: x.x.x.x
CCE Live Data Web Service port: 12005
CCE Live Data Socket.IO Service port: 12008
CCE Live Data Schema URL: livedata/livedataSchema.xml
CCE Live Data Token Service URL: livedata/token/new
CCE Live Data Time Zone: UTC
Credentials not displayed
Any help is appreciated.
Senthil Natarajan