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Supervisor Recorded File Can not play

Hi all

I use IPCC 3.5 and Callmanager 4.0

I install supervisor desktop and tried to record agent call

But after recorded call about 1 minute, save, i play it and hear nothing

Is wave file is this directory

"C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop_Config\AudioFiles"

I open this directory, and see .wave file with name is time i recored, but this size is about 1KB

May be some config is wrong.

Help me fix it

Thanks, i will vote 5 * for your help

14 Replies 14

Any one can help

My server have 2 NIC but after installed IPCC, i didn't see where to config what NIC is for voip monitor, what nic is for normal traffic

In Voip Monitor NIC, ip address,... is not set

I configed SPAN port on 2950 switch to forward all traffic on IP Phone to Voip Monitor NIC on server. I ensure that span config is OK.

I have choiced default voip monitor in desktop administrator point to this server, and see all ip phone here

Is any thing missing?

Thanks alot

Level 3
Level 3

I used IPCCX 4.0.5 and Call Manager 4.1.3. To enable recording function using CSD, you just need to enable the Phone "SPAN to PC Port". By default this is disabled. To enable this, in Call Manager > Devices > Phone, search the phone.

Thanks wengianyu,

But i can not find Span to PC Port.

May be some service need enabled

I send you my IP Phone config page, i didn't see span to PC Port.

Hope you can help

Your phone is 7960. You can use "PC Voice VLAN Access". I believe it plays the same role as "SPAN to PC Port" (I never tried). "SPAN to PC Port" is an option for 7941/7961.

Thank wengianvu,

I checked all IP Phone, and option "PC Voice VLAN Access" is enabled

Maybe i must config which of two NIC is use for sniffing, but i didn't find where to config this.

Can you tell me step you configed on your system to use voip monitor?

I only did two things:

1. During installation, install both Cisco Monitoring and Cisco Recording components.

2. On each IP phones that I want to monitor and record, enable SPAN to PC Port.

Hi wengianyu,

I did 2 step. My server have 2 NIC, 1 for normal traffic, 1 for voip monitor

But after install Cisco Monitoring and Cisco Recording from IPCC disk, did you config which card use to sniff traffic from IP Phone?

The IPCC server has two NIC. I only use one NIC. I disabled the second NIC (Cisco Recommended I believe). All traffic goes through one NIC card.

On the PC where Supervisor Desktop is installed, make sure that the IP phone this PC connected to has "SPAN to PC Port" enabled.

Is that right?

if you using one card, and config span on switch to forward traffic to this card, you can't using this card to communicate with phone and agent.

The monitoring and recording functions in CSD do not need to configure SPAN on switch. The IPCC server has Recording and monitoring components installed. I am pretty sure that IPCC server only needs one NIC card. The second NIC card is disabled automatically if you install OS 2000.4.4aSR7. I am not sure whether thr recording traffic could saturate the Gigabit link the server has. Our recording requirement is not that heavy.

Enable Phone "SPAN to PC Port" so that RTP stream from target phone can be forwarded to the PC that CSD is running.

Hi all,

Sorry about delay, I was on assignment for some day

My problem still not solved.

I config voice VLAN access, and PC that agent desktop is running can see voice data from IP Phone.

I installed CAllmanager and IPCC on same server.

On that server, i can see wave file recorded, but its size is about <1kb

I attach detailed about my problem in pdf file

Did you ever find a fix for this? I'm experiencing the same problem

Hi Ryan,

I didn't fix this problem.

I use third party product to record call

CAn you tell us about this thiard party prodcut and how did you use it to record the Agents Calls