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UCCE: Comprehensive call flow failing

Level 1
Level 1

CVP 11.5 (

ICM 11.5  (

VVB 11.5  (

vCUBE IOS XE 16.03.04 (

When I call the queue (8005542447) I just hear the error prompt.  This is a lab setup.  Here is what I see in the logs.



The logs show ICM returns label 7777777777

320: Aug 05 2017 13:07:56.643 -0700: %CVP_11_5_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=Event-router-group-0} CALLGUID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0 DialogId=19 [SIP_SWITCH_LEG_DIALOGUE] - Processing from SIP_SS - [NEW_CALL] DialogID=0 SendSeqNo=0 DNIS=8005532447 ANI=3000 CED= rckey=0 rcday=0 rcseq=0 uui= callguid=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0 trunkGroupId=0 trunkNumber=0 serviceId=0 calledNumber= location= locationpkid= pstntrunkgroupid= sipheader= ECC variables= ECC arrays= Peripheral Variables=

321: Aug 05 2017 13:07:56.643 -0700: %CVP_11_5_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=Event-router-group-0} CALLGUID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0 DialogId=19 [SIP_SWITCH_LEG_DIALOGUE] - Publishing to UCCE - [NEW_CALL] DialogID=19 SendSeqNo=1 DNIS=8005532447 ANI=3000 CED= rckey=0 rcday=0 rcseq=0 uui= callguid=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0 trunkGroupId=100 trunkNumber=0 serviceId=1 calledNumber= location= locationpkid= pstntrunkgroupid= sipheader= ECC C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0, ECC arrays= Peripheral Variables=

322: Aug 05 2017 13:07:56.643 -0700: %CVP_11_5_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=Event-router-group-0} CALLGUID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0 DialogId=19 [SIP_SWITCH_LEG_DIALOGUE] - Processing from UCCE - ,, [ICM_TEMPORARY_CONNECT], rckey=40658201, rcday=152157, DNIS=8005532447, ANI=3000

323: Aug 05 2017 13:07:56.643 -0700: %CVP_11_5_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=Event-router-group-0} CALLGUID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0 DialogId=19 [SIP_SWITCH_LEG_DIALOGUE] - Publishing to SIP_SS - [CONNECT] DialogID=19 SendSeqNo=0 Label=7777777777 TxrHint=false rckey=152157 rcday=152157 rcseq=0 location= locationpkid= sipheader= uui= whisperAnnounce=null callguid=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0 ECC variables=user.microapp.locale: en-us,user.microapp.input_type: D,user.microapp.app_media_lib: app,user.microapp.media_server:, ECC arrays= Peripheral Variables=

CVP routes the call to the VVB

1203: Aug 05 2017 13:07:56.659 -0700: %CVP_11_5_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-358-SIP-2331} Static route matched 77777777772 to StaticRoute: patterns like 777* will route to

1204: Aug 05 2017 13:07:56.659 -0700: %CVP_11_5_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-358-SIP-2331} Using Local Static Route for sip:77777777772@




1297105: Aug 05 13:07:58.311 PDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0-150196367665917] Fetch:

1297108: Aug 05 13:07:58.330 PDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0-150196367665917] Fetch: HTTP 200 OK

VVB requests for error.wav file after 19ms

1297175: Aug 05 13:07:58.336 PDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0-150196367665917] Fetch:

1297176: Aug 05 13:07:58.344 PDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=C1A3218000010000000000270F8AA8C0-150196367665917] Fetch: HTTP 200 OK

I'm expecting to see CVP log a "processing from VXMLServer" message but I don't see it.   I think the issue is on VVB but not sure what to look for.  Help me out.  I've almost got the call flow working !!

I'm attaching my script, VVB logs, and CVP logs.  

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

That is what i meant when i said earlier that you configured and deployed the VXML server along with CVP. Some configuration changes and fresh configuration requires Device restart, which OAMP will tell you when you do those changes.

and the configuration param what you have given is totally incorrect for GD microapp and thats why its failing.

please look here under Get Digit microapp section on how to define the configuration parameter.

sample is also given in guide for better understanding

i.e parameter: 6,12,N,3,5,2,2,N,Y,#


6 - Minimum field length

12 - Maximum field length

N - No barge-in allowed

3 - Inter-digit Timeout (seconds)

5 - No Entry Timeout (seconds)

2 - Number of no entry tries

2 - Number of invalid tries

N - Timeout Msg Override

Y - Invalid Entry Msg Override

# - DTMF Termination key

View solution in original post

13 Replies 13

Chintan Gajjar
Level 8
Level 8

in ICM script the Send To VRU node is successful or fail?

also as part of CVP 11.5 the IVR service has now been moved to VXML server, so its now VXML server which executes Microapps and not CVP call severs sub-component IVR service.

Please make sure you have configure and deployed the VXML server co-resident with CVP call server from OAMP.

Yes VXML server is co-resident with CVP.  See screenshot.  

Since VXML server executes microapps, do I need to set variables like call.user.microapp.ToExtVXML[] ?  Or is that only for call studio?

did you manage to resolve this? there will be no change in the way you execute the microapp. the architecture change is transparent.

Still working on it.


I'm still reviewing the logs but I noticed this in the VVB trace:

<object name="dummyobj" classid="builtin://">
<param name="return" expr="true" valuetype="data" />
<param name="app-uri" expr="'builtin://dummyobj'" valuetype="data" />
<prompt bargein="false">
<audio src="/CVP/audio/error.wav">I'm sorry, there was a problem with this application. Please call back later. Thank you.</audio>
<return namelist="caller_input" />

It looks like CVP is pushing a VXML doc to VVB instructing it to play the error.wav file.  

Any ideas as to why this might be the case?

Yes that looks like the VXML page sent by VXML server to play the error.wav.

was this upgrade or fresh install?

for some reason the Send to VRU loop does not seem to complete, and due the logging change in 11.5 its becoming more hard to tell whats going on.

Fresh install

I made some progress though.  I ended up rebooting CVP.  

Now the VXML doc is different.  I get this:

<form id="Disconnect">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="1"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

Looking at the CVP log I see this: 

18599: Aug 11 2017 06:37:41.494 -0700: %CVP_11_5_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=Event-router-group-0} CALLGUID=3652E18000010000000000650F8AA8C0 DialogId=28 [IVR_VRU_LEG_DIALOGUE] - Publishing to UCCE - [RUN_SCRIPT_RESULT] DialogID=28 SendSeqNo=2 InvokeID=1 Result=0 CED= newTransaction=0 ECC variables=user.microapp.error_code: 7, ECC arrays= Peripheral Variables=

Error code 7 is "Invalid Configuration Param."  This is my config for Get_Digit:

Is anything wrong with this?

That is what i meant when i said earlier that you configured and deployed the VXML server along with CVP. Some configuration changes and fresh configuration requires Device restart, which OAMP will tell you when you do those changes.

and the configuration param what you have given is totally incorrect for GD microapp and thats why its failing.

please look here under Get Digit microapp section on how to define the configuration parameter.

sample is also given in guide for better understanding

i.e parameter: 6,12,N,3,5,2,2,N,Y,#


6 - Minimum field length

12 - Maximum field length

N - No barge-in allowed

3 - Inter-digit Timeout (seconds)

5 - No Entry Timeout (seconds)

2 - Number of no entry tries

2 - Number of invalid tries

N - Timeout Msg Override

Y - Invalid Entry Msg Override

# - DTMF Termination key

Thanks for that.  I no longer get an error prompt.  Unfortunately DTMF doesn't work but I have narrowed it down to an issue with my softclient.  I am certain my GD microapp is configured correctly now.

I changed the script to play a prompt and route to an agent.  It works !!!!

Thanks everyone.

I did a monitor script and it is failing at the Send to VRU node. See screenshot:

Not actually failing the Send to VRU (did not come out the X) but aborting there. There is a difference.

The Send to VRU is the key to the whole process - sending the NVRU label back to the CVP Routing Client, tacking on the correlation ID, sending the SIP INVITE on that complicated number to VVB, getting it to run the bootstrap service and come back, being able to extract the correlation ID from the number and tie it back to the original script. That innocuous looking node has a complete story. Gotta get it right.

Check the Call; Router logs.


Thanks for the correction Geoff.  I did validate all those steps you mentioned in the log before posting to this forum.

One thing I noticed is after VVB sends HTTP NEW_CALL, CVP is supposed to log a "processing from VXMLServer" line but I didn't see it.  I rebooted CVP and now I do but call is still failing.  

Now CVP logs a user.microapp.error_code: 7 

Error code 7 is "Invalid Configuration Param."  This is my config for Get_Digit:

Is anything wrong with this?