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UCCE Standard vs Premium agent license

Anyone have a query that will pull the max concurrent standard and premium agent counts?

I can pull max concurrent easy enough but the only way I can think to pull standard or premium is a complex series for nested queries and I sure I'm over thinking it.

3 Replies 3

What exactly are you looking for? Some versions of CCE don't depend on a difference as far as agent types and licensing in terms of daily operation and reporting. Are you asking this for how it applies to something like smart licensing or something?

just doing some due diligence to make sure we have the right licensing sized. 

I'm thinking I could build a query that sums:

max concurrent logged on - max concurrent supervisors - max concurrent non voice mrd = Standard Agents

max concurrent supervisors + max concurrent non voice mrd = premium agents.


Konstantin Vaksin
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

In supported versions of UCCE there is no difference between agent types. You can find out number of logged in agents per interval, if you are looking for this info