10-02-2024 07:05 AM
My organization is trying to dig deeper into the available WebEx reporting to get a better sense of how our individual departments are performing. Specifically, we are having some staffing trouble in one department and want to use reporting to see the true impact it is having on our callers. Since most of our reporting is Agent-level, it does not show much information about the number of callers who sit in the queue and either leave while waiting, or wait for our voicemail to take their call.
I have begun using some Customer Session Reports to try to find this information, but am struggling with the many types of Abandoned Type, Termination Type, Handled Type, etc. and using those fields to show exactly how many calls came into a specific queue, how many were offered/handled (that much I think I have a grasp on), how many calls hung up in the queue, and how many calls waited until the queue timed out and sent them to our voicemail.
I am currently using a filter on the report to show all calls that hit that queue's IVR Script, since not all calls are tagged with a Queue Name, thus potentially being missed in reports.
Apologies for the detailed context. In short, I am looking for any recommendations on the best way to report on the quantity of non-answered calls to our queues and what ultimately happened with those calls.
Any advice is very much appreciated.
Thank You.
10-02-2024 08:27 AM
Hello I have tried to invent the wheel with both CUIC and Analyzer. To be honest since I discovered 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards it made my life easier. I f you need more info on this topic let me know. but let me show you our desktop layout and just to make sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.. I have created Agent personal Dashboards with a single template for 100+ agents and Wallboards for large rooms to show correlated KPI's for ServiceNow and Cisco WxCC data.
10-02-2024 08:59 AM
Thank you for sharing that information, Marco. I had not heard of 2Ring but will do some research on that. Do you perform any reporting on calls that are not Offered? My main goal for the moment is to accurately tell how many callers in one of our queues never get offered to an agent at all and either abandon in the queue or filter out to voicemail after the queue times out.
10-02-2024 10:36 AM - edited 10-02-2024 10:37 AM
Hello @Christopher-Gugliotti , below graph may help you understand how termination type can be used to see at which point a call was terminated:
Now, if you also want to use Abandoned Type variable, these short explanations could also help to understand what each value means:
• Treatment -> call ended in IVR/self_service stage
• Queue -> call ended while parked/in queue
• Agent-Connect -> call ended in Ringing stage before connecting to agent
Now, to your two specific queries:
Let me know if that helps.
10-02-2024 11:00 AM
Thank you @gkovanis for the diagram and descriptors. If had a call with the scenario below, what would you say happened to that call? Based on the queue time, it looks like it may have timed out to voicemail, but was curious if I could also tell that from the info below:
Is Offered = 0
Is Handled = 0
Handled Type = abandoned
Abandoned Type = N/A
Termination Type = normal
10-04-2024 06:46 PM
I found below definition for the Abandoned Type in analyser reports. It seems like there is no N/A state. Are you able to share your report?
10-08-2024 04:31 AM
Hi @d.prasad
I am using a Customer Session Record report with a filter on only showing calls that went to a specific "IVR Script Name",
Please see below for an image of some of the exported results:
Thank You
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