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Blog Articles

Hot Chicken and APIs at APIStrat

For those who have not heard of APIStrat, it is an API conference, focused on the strategy side of APIs, hence its name “API Strategy & Practice”. It is ran by the Linux Foundation and they host an ev...


An International JavaScript event - JSDay

Have you heard about JSDay in Italy? I haven't, until I've reached out to the JS community and asked about recommended JavaScript events in the world to attend, and JSDay was one of the many mentioned...


Introduction APIs and IPAs: The New Chapters

There’s a new kind of developer meetup in Seattle and San Francisco! I’d like to introduce you to APIs and IPAs, a meetup for software developers and technology professionals that want to know more ab...


The DevOpsDays Series! - DevOpsDays Seattle

DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Topics often include automation, tes...


New Sandbox! NETCONF/YANG & RESTCONF on IOS XE 16.5!

If you want to sharpen you programmability and automation skills when configuring network devices using a model driven approach, then this new Sandbox is for you - from today you can now reserve yours...


New Open NX-OS Developer Resources

Lots of exciting news for everyone leveraging Open NX-OS this week, and I figured it was a good reason to pull it all together in one place.New code!Yep, that's right, the latest version of Open NX-OS...

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