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DID Extensions

Level 1
Level 1

I recently aquried a client with an old call manager system. The call manager is version 4.1. They have a PRI coming into a 2801 router. Some people have extensions that be called directly from the outside. For example, from outside 111-1350, rings extension 350 and so on. The problem I have is that I need to change one of these extensions and cannot find where to. I need to change what inside extension rings when the outside number is dialed. It appears this translation is all done in the router and not call manager, is this the case?

Thank You for your help.

R. Carstens

19 Replies 19

Mike Lydick
Level 1
Level 1

Would be best if you can post your configuration, (remove security related info). We can help you determine how the translations are setup.


voice-port 0/0/0

connection plar 199


voice-port 0/0/1

connection plar 199


voice-port 0/0/2

connection plar 199


voice-port 0/0/3

connection plar 199


voice-port 0/2/0:23

input gain -3

output attenuation 3






dial-peer voice 1 pots

destination-pattern 9T

progress_ind setup enable 3

incoming called-number .


port 0/2/0:23


dial-peer voice 2 voip

translation-profile outgoing add91

destination-pattern 3..

progress_ind setup enable 3

voice-class codec 1

session target ipv4:

incoming called-number .

dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric


dial-peer voice 3 voip

destination-pattern 1..

progress_ind setup enable 3

session target ipv4:

dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric


dial-peer voice 10 pots

preference 1

destination-pattern 9T

port 0/0/0


dial-peer voice 11 pots

preference 1

destination-pattern 9T

port 0/0/1


dial-peer voice 12 pots

preference 1

destination-pattern 9T

port 0/0/2


dial-peer voice 13 pots

preference 1

destination-pattern 130

port 0/0/3


num-exp 228 325

num-exp 900 199

Don't you have a voice translation-rule configured??  If that it, please paste that configuration.


Juan Carlos Arias

voice-card 0
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
voice vad-time 5000
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^/ /91/
voice translation-profile add91
translate calling 1

With this and my last post, is everything in the config, minus IP  routing and interface setup

There still missing information to understand your configuration, don't you have configured this line: "translation-profile incoming 1", also paste it please.


Juan Carlos Arias

No, that is all I have.

I am pretty sure that below is the dial peer I need to be working with. The destination-pattern mathes the outside number I want. How do I just change what inside extension this peer goes to? Is this done in call manager?

dial-peer voice 2 voip
translation-profile outgoing add91
destination-pattern 3..
progress_ind setup enable 3
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number .
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric

It looks like CM is doing to the work. Go to Route Plan ---> Translation Pattern on the CM Administration page.



Ya that's what I thought, but I only have one pattern in there and it doesn't match anything we have. The name is 5XX, its on the internal partition, and the transform mask is *XXX.

When someone calls the outside line, the Cisco phone it rings, says call from 91

Can we just forward 91 to the new extension?

Soorry, must be something like this #translation-profile incoming add91

Here is the entire config with just passwords removed:

GH_2801_VG#write term
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 3568 bytes
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname GH_2801_VG

network-clock-participate wic 2
network-clock-select 1 T1 0/2/0
mmi polling-interval 60
no mmi auto-configure
no mmi pvc
mmi snmp-timeout 180
no aaa new-model
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
ip domain name
no ftp-server write-enable
isdn switch-type primary-ni
voice-card 0
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
voice vad-time 5000
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^/ /91/
voice translation-profile add91
translate calling 1
controller T1 0/2/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
description SBC CID:**************************
interface FastEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/0.1
encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0.2
encapsulation dot1Q 2
ip address ********** secondary
ip address ********** secondary
ip address
ip helper-address
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/2/0:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn map address 011. plan unknown type unknown
no cdp enable
ip classless
ip route

ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server

voice-port 0/0/0
connection plar 199
voice-port 0/0/1
connection plar 199
voice-port 0/0/2
connection plar 199
voice-port 0/0/3
connection plar 199
voice-port 0/2/0:23
input gain -3
output attenuation 3
dial-peer voice 1 pots
destination-pattern 9T
progress_ind setup enable 3
incoming called-number .
port 0/2/0:23
dial-peer voice 2 voip
translation-profile outgoing add91
destination-pattern 3..
progress_ind setup enable 3
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number .
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
dial-peer voice 3 voip
destination-pattern 1..
progress_ind setup enable 3
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
dial-peer voice 10 pots
preference 1
destination-pattern 9T
port 0/0/0
dial-peer voice 11 pots
preference 1
destination-pattern 9T
port 0/0/1
dial-peer voice 12 pots
preference 1
destination-pattern 9T
port 0/0/2
dial-peer voice 13 pots
preference 1
destination-pattern 130
port 0/0/3
num-exp 228 325
num-exp 900 199
line con 0
password ******
line aux 0
transport input all
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
password ********
length 20
transport input telnet ssh
line vty 5 15
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet ssh


Gateway Translations Rules -

This is the simple analysis: For the DID that end with 3xx they will translate to 913xx. For the DIDthat end in 1xx they will not translate.

Technically there can be longer matches on the DID because there is not 3..$ to terminate the match. But it common to see the this type of patterns match a (dot) per digit as the regex specifies.

Gateway Num-exp

There are 2, not a good practice. These take precedence over the translation.

num-exp 228 325 --> 228 explicitly changes to 325

num-exp 900 199 --> 900 explicitly changes to 199

So thats what going on in the gateway.

The next step is to look at the callmanger for the inbound dial-plan of  gateway.

3 ways to this

  • Run Dialed number analyzer if installed and running
  • Run route plan report based pattern you want to change, the translations from the gateway and the DID you want to translate
  • Manually analysis the dial-plan

Manual way summary:

1) identify CSS

2) identify partition in CSS

3) identify Patterns (Translations, DNs, Route patterns) that match the translated DID in the partitions of the CSS for further digit manipulation


Thank you for the detailed response!

The outside number that is being translated does not match those patterns. The outside number is 354-6778. This is a completely different number than all our other numbers.

I don't have a route plan that matches. The DN that it rings, does not have any different settings than any other line. The translation pattern does not match either

I installed dialed number analyser, but what do I use for the calling party and dialed digits. If I use an internal for calling party and the outside as dialed digits or vice versa, nothing happens.