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How to obtain mac address via serial number Cisco IP Phones

Level 1
Level 1

Hi to all ,

I have some phone traveling to my office , i have the serial numbers only . There-s exist a way to bind both and obtain mac address ?

Thanks a lot !!

6 Replies 6

Robert Thomas
Level 7
Level 7

You can obtain the MAC from the back og the phone by looking at the sticker. Also you can show cdp neighbors your switch, or can access the phone directly.

The MAC of the phone cant be changed or spoofed, neither theres a direct relation between serial number and MAC.

Also CISCO keeps only the serial number not the MAC within its records.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

I need the mac address about some phones. Is there any tools to resolved that? because I using a portal web Cisco Service Contract Center and the other portal ccw-r but I can ´t see the mac addres in my 160 phones...

Best Regards,

Erick Zabala S.

If those are registered in CUCM or CME you can get the info there.



if this helps, please rate

This phones are on the container box, I need obtained that's mac by any tools of Cisco or portal web...

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The only way is to get your Cisco AM/SE involved.

Hi all,


I have the same question today.

From all articles it looks like there is no Cisco tool to find the MAC addresses.

Is this still the case today in 2019?


Thank you in advance.