I have a working diversion, however the method used is hard-set to one extension leaving all calls forwarded to showing one number as the diverted party. I would like to have the diverted number shown for the DiD of the correct user. Below is the SIP profile in use.
voice class sip-profiles 1
request INVITE sip-header Diversion modify "<sip:(.*)@(.*)>" "<sip:0862702734@amcomvoice.ipsystems.com.au>"
request INVITE sip-header Diversion copy "<sip:(.*)@.*" u01
request INVITE sip-header From copy ".*<sip:(.*)@.*" u02
request INVITE sip-header From modify "(.*)<sip:.*@(.*)" "\1<sip:\u01@\2"
request INVITE sip-header From modify "<sip:@" "<sip:\u02@"
The DiD number range is - 0862702725 thru 34
The internal extension range is 2XX
I've tried to use a heap of methods to have the diversion header see 2XX, strip the 2 and append the XX to the diversion header with not luck. I'm hoping someone here could help :)