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Unable to download CDRs

Gordon Ross
Level 9
Level 9

I'm trying to download some CDRs via RTMT. When I try, I get the error:


"Operation failed as following file is not allowed to download"


Then the file name of a CDR or CMR file. (Clicking close just brings up another file, ad infinitum)


Suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?





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3 Replies 3

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Gordon,


Hope all is well my friend! It could be this bug;


Download of logs through RTMT fails with permission issues.


When Downloading logs from rtmt , connection based logs fail to download due to permission error.
Also when RTMT user gets trace logs with Remote Browse, 'Operation failed as following file is not allowed to download' error is seen and the Applications Logs and messages does not get displayed.

while downloading logs via RTMT on version which have the fix for CSCup57676 
Logs can be downloaded via alternate method using admin CLI console documented at link below 

Link reference: 


Last Modified:
Sep 29,2015
3 Moderate
Cisco Unity Connection
Support Cases:





Sounds plausable..


Next question: How do I get the CDRs via the command line? The link in the BugID to the CUCM docs really only talks about log files, yet I thought the CDRs/CMRs were stored in a database?


From a google, I found:


file list activelog /cm/cdr_repository/destination1/


Which gives a list of directories of dates. But these directories are empty (And the CDRs are before the directories time. The CDR web page tells me I have data going back way before these empty directories) I'm guessing these directories would hold CDRs waiting to be sent to configured CDR destinations. (But I want CDRs that aren't waiting to be sent...)



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Hi Gordon,


I wish I had a good answer for you here....but I don't .... here is a clip and a link to an excellent CDR related doc;


CDR Repository Manager Directory Structure


The CDR Repository Manager Directory Structure as described below exists only on the Publisher.


Everything under /var/log/active/cm/cdr_repository


admin:file list activelog /cm/cdr_repository

<dir>   car

<dir>   destination1

<dir>   destination2

<dir>   destination3

<dir>   preserve

<dir>   processed

<dir>   tmp

<dir>   trans

dir count = 8, file count = 0



trans – files being received from CM node


tmp – files waiting to be processed


preserve/yyyymmdd – files to be sent out and/or to be loaded by CAR


processed/yyyymmdd – files successfully sent to all destinations and loaded by CAR (if CAR is not activated and no billing server is configured, files are put here directly)


destinationX/yyyymmdd – contains symbolic links to files under preserve. CDR Repository Manager service uses these soft-links to determine what files need to be transfered to billing server.


car/yyyymmdd – contains symbolic links to files under preserve. CAR Scheduler service uses these soft-links to determine what files need to be processed by the CDR Loader.



Understanding 'preserve' and 'processed' directories


In regular working scenarios:


Once CDR Agent on the node running the CallManager service sends the files to the Publisher, they are stored in the 'preserve/yyyymmdd' directory on the Publisher. If CAR is activated, symbolic links will be created to these files in the 'car/yyyymmdd' location. If billing servers are configured, symbolic links to these files will also be created in the 'destinationX/yyyymmdd' location (where X can be 1,2,3 --- since at most 3 billing servers can be configured).


The files will remain in the 'preserve' location until CDR Loader processes these files and enters corresponding records into the CDR database. Once the CDR files are processed, they are moved to the 'processed' location.


In addition to CDR Loading being enabled, if Billing Servers are configured, the CDR files will continue to remain in the 'preserve' location until both operations are completed -- i.e. until both CDR Loading and transfering file to the billing server are completed.


Hence, in typical working scenarios, all the CDR flat files will in the 'processed' location as opposed to the 'preserve' location. This signifies that all operations for those files have been completed.


If you are troubleshooting any CDR data for Jan 5th, then you may want to check whether the corresponding files exist in preserve directory or processed directory.
To check whether preserve directory contains files for Jan 5th, use following command on the Publisher:
  file list activelog /cm/cdr_repository/preserve/20110105
To check whether processed directory contains files for Jan 5th, use following command on the Publisher:
  file list activelog /cm/cdr_repository/processed/20110105





