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Update phones with speed dia configured with specific extension

Level 1
Level 1

I would like to ask for your assistance in learning how to update approximately 300 7841 phones with a speed dial button. Specifically, I need to convert Line 4 into a Speed Dial button and then configure that speed dial button with a specific extension. Additionally, I need to update all of the phones within a specific device pool.

I have already created a Phone Button Template with Line 4 set as a speed dial button. However, I am unsure about the process of updating all of the phones with the phone button template, including the configuration of the specific extension.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply 1

I once had a request to update 50+ Speed Dials and Abbreviated Dials that would be the same on a large number of phones (all the same model) that were all in the same Device Pool. Here is how I did it. Please take a look and adjust as necessary in your environment. As always, test on a small number of test phones or test this in a lab before deploying on a large scale.

There may very well be an easier way if you are creating only a single speed dial. 



NOTE: The following works for a single phone model. If you have multiple phone models you will need a different Phone Template for each model and a separate job.

STEP 1: Create a Phone Button Template for the phone model

Note: The existing phone's configuration will override anything here. The template is just a placeholder.

  • Navigate to: BAT > Phones > Phone Template
  • Add New, select model and protocol
  • Configure only required fields on phone (no line config)
  • Device Name
  • Description
  • Device Pool
  • Phone Button Template
  • Device Security Profile
  • SIP Profile

STEP 2: Create the headers for your import

  • Navigate to: BAT > Phones > Phone File Format > Create Phone File Format
  • For Device Level Fields:
    Device Name
    Device Pool
    Phone Button Template
    Device Security Profile
    SIP Profile
  • At the bottom, set number of Speed Dials to 99
  • Leave all other fields alone

STEP 3: Export the phones you will be modifying

  • Navigate to: BAT > Phones > Export Phones > Specific Details
  • Do a query to find the phones you want
  • Click Next
  • Give your export a name
  • Select the file format you created in Step 2
  • Run the job

STEP 4: Generate the data

Download the file from Step 3

  • Change the extension to CSV so you can edit in Excel
  • Be careful if you have E164 numbers or masks (with the +) in Excel. It wants to convert those to a formula.
  • Add speed dials in the appropriate slots and
  • Save
  • Note that the each speed dial has a "Number" column and a "Label" column.

Upload the resulting file into BAT:

  • Select Target: Phones
  • Select Transaction Type: Insert Phones - Specific Details

STEP 5: Import the changes

  • Navigate to: BAT > Phones > Insert Phones
  • Select your file from Step 4
  • Select the Template you created in Step 1
  • Select "Overwrite the existing configuration"
  • Optional: Check "Delete all existing Speed Dials before adding new Speed Dials"
  • Run your job