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Voice Directory Handler in UC 8.6

Level 1
Level 1

I have installed a fresh install of Unity Connection 8.6(2) and had set up a voice directory handler that was working fine.

CTI Routepoint with a DN with CFWD all to Voicemail then the Mailbox has the Standard Greeting set to the VoiceEnabledDirectory Directory handler.  Asks who you want to speak to and rings the phone.

Now, all of a sudden, it fails to ring the phone, it just send you directly to the voicemail of the person you call.

I've added more users, so I dont know if it's timing out somewhere, but has anyone got any other ideas?

The users were Bulk Import, so maybe a setting was changed somewhere, but if so, I really cant find it...



11 Replies 11

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


Make sure the Standard transfer Rule on the user is set to "Transfer Calls To:" extension rather then Greeting.



Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Ian,

This routing to DN ring or greeting is controlled on the

individual user page under Edit> Transfer Rules;

Transfer Action
Transfer Calls To:



"And if I should fall behind
Wait for me" - Springsteen

Thanks Guys

But my setting are the same as that;

Transfer Calls to >Extension > Ext No.#####

Transfer Type >Release to Switch

Rings to Wait for <4>


Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Ian,

Is this happening for all users? It's possible that it may be

isolated to only the newly added users depending on the

settings that were configured for the Bulk Import.



"And if I should fall behind
Wait for me" - Springsteen

Hi Rob

The tests worked with my Pilot Group of around 40 users, then I imported about 380 and now it doesnt seem to work for anyone...


Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Ian,

Has anything else changed since the Pilot was tested? I would

try fixing this for one single user and then moving towards an overall

resolution. Try changing the Transfer settings to greeting > save and then try

changing back and save. I'm trying to think if CSS for the VM ports might come into

play here??



"And if I should fall behind
Wait for me" - Springsteen

Hi Rob

I deleted a user and re-added him, tried changing the Transfer rule setting..... more puzzling by the minute !

CSS for VM ports has all my device partitions in..

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Ian,

I'm stumped as well

Do you have the Remote Port Status monitor tool setup? If you do,

here is an example of one of our Directory Handler calls that routes

properly and rings the extension of our friend Earl Elk. Can you try the same

and post it up here;

10:48:50, New Call, CalledId=8700,  RedirectingId=8700,  Origin=16,  Reason=8,  CallGuid=1BDCF9242E3D494DA2541F4CA09CA50E,  CallerName=Rob Huffman,  LastRedirectingId=8700,  LastRedirectingReason=8,  PortDisplayName=CallManager-1-002,[Origin=Invalid],[Reason=Invalid]

10:48:50, AttemptForward

10:48:50, State - AttemptForward.cde!Dummy

10:48:50, Event is [NULL]

10:48:50, PHTransfer

10:48:50, State - PHTransfer.cde!LoadInfo

10:48:50, Event is [TrueEvent]

10:48:50, PHGreeting

10:48:50, State - PHGreeting.cde!PlayGreeting

10:48:50, Call answered if needed

10:48:50, Playing greeting for Call Handler:  Opening Greeting

10:48:57, DTMF received [4]

10:48:57, Event is [NULL]

10:48:57, AD

10:48:57, Entering Name Lookup Handler: System Directory Handler

10:48:57, State - AD.cde!TurnOffNameAdded

10:48:57, Event is [SendToVuiDirectory]

10:48:57, State - AD.cde!RunVuiDirectory

10:48:57, -->VuiDirectoryGetSession

10:48:57,         State - VuiDirectoryGetSession.cde!Start

10:48:57,         Event is [NULL]

10:48:57,         State - VuiDirectoryGetSession.cde!RunVuiDirectory

10:48:57,         -->VuiDirectory

10:48:57,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!GetRecipient

10:48:57,                 Event is [NoRecipients]

10:48:57,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!RunVuiDirectoryName

10:48:57,                 -->VuiDirectoryName

10:48:58,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!Start

10:48:58,                         Event is [NULL]

10:48:58,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!CheckCallerType

10:48:58,                         Event is [UnknownCaller]

10:48:58,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!PlayGetNameExternal

10:49:03,                         Speech: No-match

10:49:03,                         Event is [SPEECH_NOMATCH_EVENT]

10:49:03,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!HandleSpeechNoMatchExternal

10:49:03,                         Event is [NULL]

10:49:03,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!PlayNoMatchInitialExternal

10:49:05,                         Event is [TimeoutEvent]

10:49:05,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!PlayGetNameExternal

10:49:10,                         Speech: Input='Earl Elk',  Confidence='77',  Meaning='Name'

10:49:10,                         Event is [Name]

10:49:10,                 <--VuiDirectoryName

10:49:10,                 Event is [Name]

10:49:10,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!GetRecipient

10:49:10,                 Event is [Recipient]

10:49:10,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!Controller

10:49:10,                 Event is [DoCall]

10:49:10,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!PlayCalling

10:49:20,                 Event is [TimeoutEvent]

10:49:20,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!RunVuiTransfer

10:49:20,                 -->VuiTransfer

10:49:20,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!Start

10:49:20,                         Event is [NULL]

10:49:20,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!GetTransferProperties

10:49:20,                         Event is [TrueEvent]

10:49:20,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!CheckTargetType

10:49:20,                         Event is [Subscriber]

10:49:20,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!CheckAction

10:49:20,                         Event is [GoToTransfer]

10:49:20,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!PlayTransferIntro

10:49:20,                         Event is [TimeoutEvent]

10:49:20,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!Transfer

10:49:20,                         Unsupervised (Release) Transfer to 8727

10:49:21,                         Event is [HangupEvent]

10:49:21,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!Disconnect

10:49:21,                         Event is [HangupEvent]

10:49:21,                 <--VuiTransfer

10:49:21,                 Event is [HangupEvent]

10:49:21,         <--VuiDirectory

10:49:21,         Event is [HangupEvent]

10:49:21, <--VuiDirectoryGetSession

10:49:21, Event is [HangupEvent]

10:49:21, State - AD.cde!DoHangUp

10:49:21, Event is [HangupEvent]

10:49:21, Idle

Maybe if we compare we can come up with some ideas.

Just in case;

Port Status Remote Monitor for Connection (rPSM)



"And if I should fall behind
Wait for me" - Springsteen

Hi Rob

Sorry for the delay, was out yesterday... So this is what I get

09:57:14, New Call, CalledId=192,  RedirectingId=192,  Origin=16,  Reason=8,  CallGuid=8650498A6DD34A15B1E52E5A46C4B34A,  CallerName=Ian Lewis,  LastRedirectingId=192,  LastRedirectingReason=8,  PortDisplayName=CUCM8.6-1-002,[Origin=Unknown],[Reason=Forward Unconditional]

09:57:14, AttemptForward

09:57:14, State - AttemptForward.cde!Dummy

09:57:14, Event is [NULL]

09:57:14, PHTransfer

09:57:14, State - PHTransfer.cde!LoadInfo

09:57:14, Event is [TrueEvent]

09:57:14, PHGreeting

09:57:14, State - PHGreeting.cde!PlayGreeting

09:57:14, Call answered if needed

09:57:14, Playing greeting for Subscriber:  Voice Directory

09:57:14, No DTMF received

09:57:14, Event is [NULL]

09:57:14, AD

09:57:14, Entering Name Lookup Handler: [VoiceEnabledDirectory][{e31d4b9f-387a-4792-a46e-bb9ea168bd1f}]

09:57:14, State - AD.cde!TurnOffNameAdded

09:57:14, Event is [SendToVuiDirectory]

09:57:14, State - AD.cde!RunVuiDirectory

09:57:14, -->VuiDirectoryGetSession

09:57:14,         State - VuiDirectoryGetSession.cde!Start

09:57:14,         Event is [NULL]

09:57:14,         State - VuiDirectoryGetSession.cde!RunVuiDirectory

09:57:14,         -->VuiDirectory

09:57:14,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!GetRecipient

09:57:14,                 Event is [NoRecipients]

09:57:14,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!RunVuiDirectoryName

09:57:14,                 -->VuiDirectoryName

09:57:15,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!Start

09:57:15,                         Event is [NULL]

09:57:15,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!CheckCallerType

09:57:15,                         Event is [UnknownCaller]

09:57:15,                         State - VuiDirectoryName.cde!PlayGetNameExternal

09:57:18,                         Speech: Input='James Burnett',  Confidence='12',  Meaning='Name'

09:57:18,                         Event is [Name]

09:57:18,                 <--VuiDirectoryName

09:57:18,                 Event is [Name]

09:57:18,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!GetRecipient

09:57:18,                 Event is [Recipient]

09:57:18,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!CheckIfConfirmOnSingleMatch

09:57:18,                 Event is [AutoRoute]

09:57:18,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!Controller

09:57:19,                 Event is [DoCall]

09:57:19,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!PlayCalling

09:57:22,                 Event is [TimeoutEvent]

09:57:22,                 State - VuiDirectory.cde!RunVuiTransfer

09:57:22,                 -->VuiTransfer

09:57:22,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!Start

09:57:22,                         Event is [NULL]

09:57:22,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!GetTransferProperties

09:57:22,                         Event is [TrueEvent]

09:57:22,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!CheckTargetType

09:57:22,                         Event is [Subscriber]

09:57:22,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!CheckAction

09:57:22,                         Event is [GoToTransfer]

09:57:22,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!PlayTransferIntro

09:57:22,                         Event is [TimeoutEvent]

09:57:22,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!Transfer

09:57:22,                         Unsupervised (Release) Transfer to 2030373815

09:57:25,                         Event is [FalseEvent]

09:57:25,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!TransferError

09:57:25,                         Event is [NULL]

09:57:25,                         State - VuiTransfer.cde!LeaveMessage

09:57:25,                         Event is [NULL]

09:57:25,                 <--VuiTransfer

09:57:25,                 Event is [NULL]

09:57:25,         <--VuiDirectory

09:57:25,         Event is [NULL]

09:57:25, <--VuiDirectoryGetSession

09:57:25, Event is [NULL]

09:57:26, PHGreeting

09:57:26, State - PHGreeting.cde!PlayGreeting

09:57:26, Call answered if needed

09:57:26, Playing greeting for Subscriber:  James Burnett

09:57:31, Event is [HangupEvent]

09:57:31, State - PHGreeting.cde!DoHangup

09:57:31, Event is [HangupEvent]

09:57:31, Idle

I've highlighted a line that may be the cause.... Transfer Error... A bit more information would have helped, but it's a start I guess...

Any ideas?



You would need to look at logs on UCXN and CUCM for more clues, but just couple more questions:

Are the phone DNs in a partition that is reachable from SIP trunk if using SIP integration or VM ports if using SCCP?

How many CUCM servers are in the cluster, are all servers listed under the port group configuration?



Okay, all the servers are there and all the partitions are in the right CSS..

Time for some log diving I guess.  Which ones are likely to give the best info for this?

