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Voicemail user based on schedule

Level 1
Level 1


How can I make sure the voicemail for a userbox (not call handler, just a user with an directory number assigned to it) activates on a schedule?

I have the schedule, from 8.00 until 17.00 . So when someone calls at 17.30 for example, the closed greeting should play.

It just doesn't work , the alias is the same as the name of the softphone the enduser logs in with. 
The extension is correct, schedule is selected yet it doesn't work. After 17.00 it still just rings and takes a call.

7 Replies 7


Have you activated the closed greeting?
And have you set up the closed greeting as per your requirements, e.g.:

  • set "caller hears" to "my personal recording"
  • uncheck "Play the "Record Your Message at the Tone" Prompt"
  • upload the message file
  • set the call action to "hang up" if you want the call to end after the greeting

In the user voicemail account in CUC, go to Edit > Greetings and see what greetings are enabled. Starting with the Alternate Greeting and working down from there, when CUC will play a greeting it will choose the first greeting that applies and is also enabled. 

As @b.winter mentions. the Closed Greeting needs to have a recording, be enabled, and have the setting on the greeting to use "My Personal Greeting". And then any of the other settings as you want.

Also note that by default voicemail accounts use the timezone of the CUC server itself unless indicated otherwise on the User Basics page. Many organizations install CUC with the UTC timezone, which would likely not be the timezone desired by the user.

Let us know how it goes.


Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for the quick answers


The greetings are enabled, both 'closed' and 'holiday' .

Callers hears --> my personal recording

Callers see --> nothing checked

During greeting --> nothing checked

after greeting call action --> hang up


Timezone is from the country where extension is from, good.

I see Class of Service --> 'voicemail' and 'voicemail with features' , any idea what the difference is?

I am re-reading your original post and I need some clarification on the call flow and the ask...

What is the call flow? Does the user extension ring, then roll to voicemail with the Standard and Closed greetings, and the ask is that the user's extension not ring after hours?

Or does the call roll to CUC as an auto-attendant without first ringing the user's extension, and the ask is based on "open" and "closed" hours you want the call to ring out to the user's extension during open hours, and play a greeting/then hang up during closed hours?


@Maren Mahoney wrote:

I am re-reading your original post and I need some clarification on the call flow and the ask...

What is the call flow? Does the user extension ring, then roll to voicemail with the Standard and Closed greetings, and the ask is that the user's extension not ring after hours?

Or does the call roll to CUC as an auto-attendant without first ringing the user's extension, and the ask is based on "open" and "closed" hours you want the call to ring out to the user's extension during open hours, and play a greeting/then hang up during closed hours?


Or does the call roll to CUC as an auto-attendant without first ringing the user's extension, and the ask is based on "open" and "closed" hours you want the call to ring out to the user's extension during open hours, and play a greeting/then hang up during closed hours?


Is correct. During open hours, which I've put in the schedule, from 8.00 until 17.00, the calls should go to the extension, to the receptionist who is then working and ready to take the call.

When it's 17.30, so there's no receptionist at his desk, it should go to the closed greeting. Right until it's 8.00 the next workday. 



So is this possible or not? 

Yes this can be done. You will want to look at the Transfer Rules for the voicemail box.

Set the Standard transfer rule to ring to an extension. This means that the call will ring back to the receptionist's number, but if that person does not answer and the call rolls back to CUC a message will be taken.

Set the Closed transfer rule to "Go Directly to Greetings", which will cause the call to play whichever greeting matches the call (such as "Closed" or "Holiday" or "Alternate") and after the greeting will CUC will perform the After Greeting Action (which is usually set to "Take a Message").

Now if the call is going directly to CUC without hitting a CTI Route Point first, then you will need a Direct Call Routing Rule to capture the dialed number and send it to the voicemail box. Once CUC understands to send the call to the voicemail box (or call handler) it will use the Transfer Rules to determine what to do next.

If the number is on a CTI Route Point that has CFWDALL set to Voicemail, then you only need the number that is being dialed as the "Extension" on the voicemail box. CUC, by default for forwarded calls, looks at the original dialed number and attempts to match that to an extension on a voicemail box or call handler, and will then process the Transfer Rules to determine what to do.

If this does not match your scenario, or if you have questions, please let us know.



Kathy N.

The schedule in Unity doesn't stop the calls from rining on the phone @VVVVV80980 .  It just changes which greeting plays if no one answers the phone. 

If you don't want the phone to ring, the caller will need to forward their calls to voice mail when they leave and turn off call forwarding when they return.

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