Hi all,
i have a Router Cisco 7301 which is connected via an L2 Tunnel (Xconnect) to an ASR1004(RP2)
via an L2VFI Instance.
MPLS Backbone is build by three Cisco 6504-E with SUP720-10G-3BXL.
The Accessport for the Cisco 7301 is decribed below
Everything is up and working fine - but if the clients (SIP PHONES ,which are connected to the 7301)
starts with paket fragmentation (large Invites ....) we have a problem.
Paketfragments where the original has a size between 1501 and 1505 get dropped
(easy to test with ping)
All other pakets are forwarded without any problem
It seem this problem only exist if the Endpoint is a BDI.
If i bind the Endpoint of the Xconnect to a physical Port it works.
ASR1004(RP2): asr1000rp2-adventerprisek9.03.16.06.S.155-3.S6-ext.bin
6504-E(VS-S720-10G): s72033-adventerprisek9-mz.151-2.SY10.bin
CISCO 6504-E
interface GigabitEthernet3/8
mtu 9180
no ip address
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
no keepalive
no cdp enable
interface GigabitEthernet3/8.2300
encapsulation dot1Q 2300
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
no cdp enable
xconnect 902030008 encapsulation mpls pw-class TE-via-9341
backup peer 802030008 pw-class TE-via-53511
l2 vfi L2VFI_WVNET_902030008 manual
vpn id 902030008
bridge-domain 2300
mtu 9180
neighbor pw-class TE-via-9431
interface BDI2300
description ### LAYER3 Termination PE-LINK ###
mtu 9216
bandwidth 400000
ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
ip mtu 1600
ip router isis testcore
bfd interval 999 min_rx 999 multiplier 3
clns mtu 1400
isis circuit-type level-2-only
isis metric 500 level-2
isis authentication mode md5
isis authentication key-chain isis-sec-l2
isis bfd
Everything is up and working fine