Since recently we've decided to add some redundancy links in our network. So, now the network looks like this:

As you can see we've got catalyst 45XX and 65XX switches and asr9k and asr1k routers in the core level. In the access level we use Dlink DSG-3420-28TC, but strictly as L2 switches.
Ideally, I'd like to get rid of L2 traffic in the core and change links between Cataysts to p2p links.
When I've though about this topology several questions appeared. First of all, I'd like to talk about VPLS deployment. I know how to configure that, but I have no idea how to avoid loops in rings. I believe I can use MST-AG on ASR 9k, but I'm not sure this function is available on ASR 1k.
Could you give me a peace of advice?