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What is NTP peer dispersion?

Level 1
Level 1

The official cert guide for the CCNP ENCOR exam states:

Root dispersion = the calculated error of the actual clock attached to the atomic clock

Peer dispersion = the root dispersion plus the estimated time to reach the root NTP server


Here is what confuses me:
In every example of show ntp status that I see, the peer dispersion is less than the root dispersion.
How can that be if it's the sum of the root dispersion and the latency to the NTP server?

5 Replies 5

Martin L


I would check book errata for your book edition; maybe they made mistake and gave wrong example; also, look for other source of  definition and explanation.  I don't recall reading about ntp dispersion so not sure about definition.  anything in Cisco Doc pages that explains this better?


Regards, ML
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Level 3
Level 3

I agree with your confusion. I think the book is boogered up. There are quite a few references of errata in this OCG book. This is probably one of them. Here is my best interpretation of this NTP goo - which still may be wrong, but hope it helps:

reference clock = piece of hardware that actually computes the time or is aware of the time by itself. (i.e, GPS or satellite device). This is probably also known as "root"

stratum 1 server = first NTP that talks directly to reference clock.

stratum 2 server = second NTP that talks to NTP server 1.

router = ntp client

Now, what I think all this dispersion stuff means:

root dispersion = the sum of the calculated time offsets (differences) from my last hop NTP server to root (reference clock).

peer dispersion = calculated time offset (difference) from my router to its NTP server.

A lot of these time differences are probably a result of the "electromagnetic" distance to the root/ntp servers in the chain of hops. A long RTT would cause a larger dispersion. If the root signal is a satellite, that's going to take a bit to reach my stratum 1 server, so will induce a pretty high root dispersion. As expected, the root dispersion might typically be much larger than the peer dispersion, especially if my router is very close to its local time server.

Here is some anecdotal evidence, from a real live production environment, which i have just picked apart for the education value:

1. I have a GPS-based stratum 1 ntp server. it has an antenna, which receives 5-10 satellites worth of time signals.

2. my router (RTR) hits this S1 NTP server and pulls time. the RTT pings from RTR to S1 NTP server are ~1msec. They are basically on the same lan segment.

3. the RTR ntp output (show ntp association) shows ~50 msec root dispersion.

4. the RTR output also shows ~1 msec peer dispersion. this equates to the RTT time from RTR to the S1 server. Basically, its saying, hey the S1 server told me the time, but it took about 1 msec to get here, so that packet, which had in it, the embedded time was off by about 1 msec.

5. now getting back to the root dispersion. GPS satellites are about 11000 miles high. Given the speed of light (which is also the speed of electromagnetic waves), we computer the time it takes the satellite signal to reach my S1 antenna on earth:

11,000 miles / 186,282 miles per second = .05905 seconds or about 59 msec.

This is roughly equal to my reported root dispersion.

Having said that, hopefully, this will help anyone with that pesky CCNP question - if it comes up!



Joseph W. Doherty
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I believe NTP dispersion is somewhat similar, in concept, to VoIP jitter.  I.e. the plus or minus time seen between NTP stratum.  Each stratum hop "adds" to the dispersion.  For example, if 1<>2 has dispersion of +/- 50 ms, and 2<>3 has dispersion of +/- 25 ms, the total dispersion for 3 would be +/- 75 ms.

Based on my studies, I think it’s more like voip latency, rather than jitter. But it does seem to be cumulative. 

VoIP latency, is just overall delay (which for VoIP, there are acceptable limits - delay, shouldn't matter to NTP).

VoIP jitter is variable, which matters both to VoIP and NTP.

Going sideway a moment . . .

Years ago, I read a book about the development of maritime chronometers (clocks), knowing the (accurate) time was/is crucial for (accurate) celestial navigation.  It was so important:

In 1714, the British government offered a longitude prize for a method of determining longitude at sea, with the awards ranging from £10,000 to £20,000 (£2 million to £4 million in 2023 terms) depending on accuracy.

The interesting thing about "accuracy", the chronometers, didn't need to have the "correct" time, but they needed to be very consistent in the time they might gain or lose, every day.  I.e. if they had a consistent daily gain/lose, one could adjust for the change and then have accurate time.

I mention the above, because with NTP, overall latency, per se, isn't a problem, it's how variable measurements are, both the variable latency between the NTP server and client, and also whether you can tell there's a constant gain/loss of the client's clock (much like the marine chronometer) vs. the actual time.

Anyway, if we go to, we find: How will NTP use a reference clock?

A reference clock will provide the current time. NTP will compute some additional statistical values that describe the quality of time it sees. Among these values are: offset (or phase), jitter (or dispersion), frequency error, and stability. Each NTP server maintains an estimate of the quality of its reference clocks and of itself. How is Time synchronized?

Time can be passed from one time source to another, typically starting from a reference clock connected to a stratum 1 server. Servers synchronized to a stratum 1 server will be stratum 2. Generally the stratum of a server will be one more than the stratum of its reference.

Synchronizing a client to a network server consists of several packet exchanges where each exchange is a request and reply pair. When sending out a request, the client inserts its own time (originate timestamp) into the packet being sent. When a server receives the packet, it inserts its own time (receive timestamp) into the packet, and the packet is returned after putting a transmit timestamp into the packet. When receiving the reply, the receiver will once more log its own receipt time to estimate the travelling time of the packet. The travelling time (delay) is estimated to be half of “the total delay minus remote processing time”, assuming symmetrical delays.

Those time differences can be used to estimate the time offset between both machines, as well as the dispersion (maximum offset error). The shorter and more symmetric the round-trip time, the more accurate the estimate of the current time. How accurate will my Clock be?

For a general discussion see Section 3. Also keep in mind that corrections are applied gradually, so it may take up to three hours until the frequency error is compensated (see Figure 5.1a).

Figure 5.1a: Initial Run of NTP

The final achievable accuracy depends on the time source being used. Basically, no client can be more accurate than its server. In addition, the quality of the network connection also influences the final accuracy. Slow and non-predictable networks with varying delays are bad for good time synchronization.

A time difference of less than 128ms between server and client is required to maintain NTP synchronization. The typical accuracy on the Internet ranges from about 5ms to 100ms, possibly varying with network delays. A survey by Professor David L. Mills suggests that 90% of the NTP servers have network delays below 100ms, and about 99% are synchronized within one second to the synchronization peer.

With PPS synchronization an accuracy of 50μs and a stability below 0.1 PPM is achievable on a Pentium PC running Linux. However, there are some hardware facts to consider. Judah Levine wrote:

In addition, the FreeBSD system I have been playing with has a clock oscillator with a temperature coefficient of about 2 PPM per degree C. This results in time dispersions on the order of lots of microseconds per hour (or lots of nanoseconds per second) due solely to the cycling of the room heating/cooling system. This is pretty good by PC standards. I have seen a lot worse.

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