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Forum Posts

Hi, I have an ASA 5510 with IPS module enabled and i m trying to recover the login credentials, when trying the hw-module module 1 password-reset cmd returned an ERROR: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. Please advice how can i recover the login...

Hi,I've installed an ASA-SSM-10 module into my ASA 5510 firewall but it's in "Unresponsive" state. I tried to reset and recover the module but nothing seems to work. Below you may find information about the system and details about what I did. Any he...

We recently had a vendor switch from Cisco SIP to PJSIP. After the migration it was necessary for us to add an access list to allow UDP port range 60000 65535. To the best of my knowledge this part of the reason we enabled SIP inspect several years a...

Hello everyone, sorry for asking this here...but I'm new using cisco ASA, and I have to make a lab, they just tell that they need this topology atachment router1 must do ping to loopback 1 and 2 in router2, I know the config of the router and switch,...

Is it possible to change this port from https (TCP 443) to something else? I.e TCP 444 (Don't ask why, paranoid client).Also I will be managing 2x CX modules with PRSM so can that handle management on a non standard port? Regards,Pete 

Help Please :)We have an ASA 5520 that we have installed a new certificate. The company was purchased and we are removing all references to old company domain name. We deleted the Trustpoint and have attempted to set new trustpoint for enrollment???S...

Hello,I'm working on a basic configuration of a 5510 ASA.inside network of /24outside network 141.0.x.0 /24config is as follows:interface Ethernet0/0 nameif OUTSIDE security-level 0 ip address 141.0.x.0!interface Ethernet0/...

haidar_alm by Level 1
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