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dear  helper,           my issue :        our side  device is  Cisco asa 5510 SEC-BUN-K9 with a static ip , and the other side device is cisco RV180 vpn router without  static IP (dial-up),now  we plan to establish  IPSEC site to site vpn  between tw...

Trying to work out a way using "Firewall" and "IPS" on a stick type configs.My diagram: a lot of unnecessary information missing but thats pretty much what I'm trying to do. So in the diagram: - Red lines are phys...

danieledu by Level 1
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Hello, Yes, I did read lots of post here on ASA5505 intervlan routing, I tried a few idea form few posts, but still I can not make this workPacket tracer works,I can ping in between VLAN, but with a real device, I cant.I have devices on VLAN 1 port 0...

Everytime I try to use packet tracer I get the following error...error while forming the xml dataI click OK and there is absolutely no output.  I ahve uninstalled and reinstalled the ASDM and this happens on multiple firewalls.  This does not happen ...

Hello all,I use AnyConnect on Windows and Mac, VPN works quite ok, but Websecurity doesn't work on Mac. WebSecurity_ServiceProfile.wso config file sucessfuly downloaded from an ASA (to /opt/cisco/anyconnect/websecurity), AnyConnect still shows "no li...

A few months ago I wasn't able to spell Cisco's name and here I am trying to configure an ASA 5520 on a small network I was tasked to put together. I saw this as a great learning opportunity, especially becoming familiar with Cisco's networking philo...

Hi Everyone,Since i added ASA   to csm 4.3  our syslog server always see the message  message : Login denied from x.x.x.x/56432 to inside y.y.y.y/https.or user ""where x   is csm server ipy is fw interface ip.And after this message just after few sec...

mahesh18 by Level 6
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Hi Guys,need lil clearification....i have two vpn setup on firewall and they both have same ike phase paramaters and working fine till i add anothe vpn connection with different ikev1 parameters.......throught asdm everythin is  fine till i cange ike...

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