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Forum Posts

Good day,Has anyone experienced this before?  I am using Cisco ACS 5.2.  I have a very simple word (no, not cisco ) for my tacacs-server key.  I've used the same key within the ACS and on two other Cisco switches, and AAA is working fine between the ...

From what I've been reading about the SSM module is that there is a Base License and a Plus License.The Base license allows the SSM module to do basic antivirus/spyware checking on your network. The PlusLicense allows the Base License, Plus URL Filte...

Dear All,I am facing issue for SIP traffic through FWSM. I am receiving SIP traffic on outside interface but not sending to inside interface.Please find the config.Source      : :        : UDP-5070Configuration:acc...

to create a policy where you can define source destination and have any traffic matching that criteria to NOT generate a syslog entry? basically i have a particular legit traffic pattern where ANY to a particular public web server is generating tens ...

Syslogs generated by the ASA are showing a mixture of IP addresses and Names within syslog entries. I would prefer that all the syslog entries show just the IP address as it is easier for our syslog server to inteprete the data. I understand that thi...

mdwheadon by Level 1
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Hello all,just trying to find out the pro's and con's of using a syslog scanning tool (like OAK) to monitor attempts to compromise (brute force) the access to cisco devices.Will a router/switch/ect. fail to send out syslog messages, while under attac...

Hello, does anyone know if the IPS can be updated to SSH 2? We have conducted scans on the IPS that fail OpenSSH X11 Port Forwarding Session and cannot find a command that will allow us to update to SSH 2. The vulnerability is CVE-2008-1483 and CVE-2...

Dear Cisco!We have network topology                         Inside Netwrok ( --- ASA5510----- Outside network ( have: Inside interface:; outside interface: we config: # object ne...