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Forum Posts

Resolved! ASA Segments

Hello,ASA mainly has four Gig Ports other than the management. How is it possible to have/configure more than four networks/segments on ASA due to four physical port limitation.Thanks.

Resolved! telnet not allowed

From my VPN segment, i try to access this another asa firewall of mine and it gives following error:TCP access denied by ACL from to Inside: is my vpn ip , is inside interface of my another asa ...

suthomas1 by Level 6
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In ASA 8.0(4) the following command is not working?? Any object-group id GE-TP-UNITSApart from this can I know the tips and tricks to search object/object-group/ip/access-l in ASA and PIX...

manuadoor by Level 1
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We've implemented this feature on four of our ASA5510s that have multiple ISPs attached.  It works fine, but I'd like some details on the inner workings of this feature.  When I define the number of packets at 3, and the frequency at 20, What causes ...

pootboy69 by Level 1
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Hi,I have ASA5505 for 2 years, in the last 5 months i started experiencing a problem which is, when i start downloading somthing or viewing a online streaming video.. the download stops at a random time.. sometimes at the begining or in the middle of...

I've read other similar questions about implementing a Cisco NAC Appliance in an environment where each PC needs to have a static IP, but none of the other threads seemed to provide enough clarity on why this may or may not be a good idea.I am explor...

Hi,I was wondering if someone could help with an issue I am experiencing at the moment with IME events.I have two sensors (AIP-SSM-10's) installed with the lastest engine and signature versions, linking back to IME.  If I connect using IDM I can see ...

Hi there. I have a strange issue.I have a ASA 5505 with some clients behind it who connects to an offsite database.They run the application all day, but for longer periods of times, ie 1-2 hours they are idle in the application.When they start using ...

j-tagesson by Level 1
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