Network Security

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dear all  i need your help in below points which an issue i spent couple of hours but i cant resolve so i need to get some help from your great and valued information : 1- i cant enter to enable or exec mode ( before i can but maybe after changed the...

This topic is a chance to clarify your questions about the best practices and required elements to migrate your Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) to Firepower Threat Defense (FTD). Because of the continuous evolution of cybersecurity threats, i...


 Hello Folks, I am having an issue were I am unable to access the network when I am behind the network. I have built a NAT statement for when I am accessing the from the However, when I try and acc...

dj0321 by Level 1
  • 8 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

Hi. I have an FTDv ( and an ASA 5515-x FTD (same version) in my lab. On FMC both devices stuck on "Deployment" phase and I cannot cancel it. I managed to stop the ASA FTD and restart the FMC and now it shows "Failed in Deployment" but cannot...

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