Network Security

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Forum Posts

I am building a LAB, which includes 2* FTD11xx. We have production FMC 2500 but I don't want to use production FMC to manage the FTD instead to use a Virtual FMC, Wondering if I need to buy it or available free to download!Do we need license for FTD ...

If I have an ASA with 5 security contexts enabled, how is syslog handled? Is it on a per-context basis, or centrally from the admin context?I'm evaluating a logging solution that is licensed per "device", where each device is a unique syslog source. ...

Hi,I am confuse in everybody say 3 tier firewall Architecture.Let me know what is it.If i divided 3 zone and applied to three different subnet and applied to three different interface with each network,can we call 3 tier architecture?OR it must have ...

MrBeginner by Spotlight
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Hi,A customer of mine is facing a problem with his firewall. He create a URL rule for some cloud applications, but when the cloud IP chages, the applications stop working.I'd like to know if the Fire Power has the capability to create a URL rule that...

Hi I am new to Asa doing practice in eve-ng with ASAv  V 9.7 in this topology i have a server inside with IP address of   and want to reach the loopback address on R2 with IP with NAT   but i want to practice the Twice NAT...
