VoD: Infonetics Webinar: YANG & TOSCA – Service Models Critical to SDN and NFV Automation - YouTube
Public whitepaper: https://docs.cisco.com/share/page/site/nextgen-edcs/document-details?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/38ffcab8-a798-4c60-…
This webinar is hosted by IHS Infonetics and includes panel members from Ciena Blue Planet, Cisco and Fujitsu. The session focuses on the topic of using technologies like NETCONF/YANG and TOSCA to achieve service automation for SDN and NFV.
To achieve those goals, data about services and network equipment must be put in a common language, and organized into data models so that services can be programmatically provisioned across multi-vendor networks.
Enter YANG and TOSCA.
Join Michael Howard, Senior Research Director, Carrier Networks, IHS; Abel Tong, Senior Director, Solutions Marketing, Blue Planet, a division of Ciena; and other panelists to learn how these models can be used to achieve service agility and automation goals.
The session concludes with an audience Q&A for the last 10 minutes. This webinar was originally presented on Feb 11, 2016.