11-18-2022 09:12 AM
after reloading C9300 switch (version 17.6.4), interface te1/1/4 go to down state, and log display:
%SFF8472-3-READ_ERROR: Te1/1/4: Error reading DOM data from transceiver
if I unplug / plug cable in Te1/1/4, interface go back TO UP state. (it is not config probleme)
is this bug ? how to fix it ?
11-19-2022 04:51 AM
what is the SFP model is this DOM computable - show interface te1/1/4 tran (this is where you get this message).
other side may be BUG but we need to know SFP mode, on Cat 9300 never seen this issue.
11-19-2022 08:10 AM
# show inventory
NAME: "Te1/1/4", DESCR: "1000BaseSX SFP"
D000-SWE-01#show interfaces te1/1/4 transceiver
Diagnostic Monitoring Data is not available.
11-19-2022 09:58 AM
Workaround: The only workaround known is to add the "speed nonegotiate" command in both sides of the link. After applying this command the interface will work correctly even after a reboot.
Look like you hitting BUG as per the information it was fixed in 17.6.4 (looks like it was not) contact TAC
07-31-2024 07:44 AM
I have the problem too, and don’t found a solution for that issue
It happens on Cisco 9300 switch,
the version of the Cisco switch is 17.12.3
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