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Avgerage or Expected Wait Time script

Level 1
Level 1

Avgerage or Expected Wait Time script. I have a general idea what needs to be inplace, but cant seem to get it right. Im trying to create a conditional or generated prompt where the condition is avg wait time greater or equal to 3 minutes then have the system play a voice prompt and speak the wait time. Any help would be appreciated. If possible can you post the .aef file to share with others.


12 Replies 12

Level 8
Level 8

Attached is a zip file that has an .aef file along with corresponding .wav files. Please let me know if you have any questions:

Thanks for the info, one question for you:

What is the difference between "expected wait time" and "average wait duration", both of which are available as seperate reporting statistics?

Expected Wait Time = calculation on the number of agents in reserved, talking, and work states for this CSQ, the call's position in the queue, and the average call duration for this CSQ. Average call duration of a CSQ is the average time agents spend in Reserved, Talking, and Work states while handling a call from this CSQ.

Average Wait Time = Average time in the queue for all the calls in a 24 hour period for the CSQ.

Thanks a lot for the help...

I tried out both of them and it appears to me that expected wait time returns a value in minutes while average wait time returns a value in seconds. Is this correct?


Expected Wait Time(EWT) is calculated in seconds. The following expression can be used to calculate the EWT in minutes.EWT = EWT/60.

EWT is calculated as follows...

A CSQ’s EWT = (Position of contact in queue * CSQ’s average talk time)/Total number of working resources in CSQ,where total number of working resources in CSQ = sum of resources in reserved, talking and work state. If contact is currently not queued, the position in queue = length of queue + 1. If either the CSQ’s average talk time or the total number of working resources is 0, the EWT is –1.



awsome, much thanks. 2 quick questions

1. when the call is placed on hold, does hold music play for the duration of the delay ?

2. does that label QUEUELOOP need to be moved,because it appears that once placed in the loop, the call will be stuck in there.


1. When it's on hold it will do whatever have defined for your system - could be tone on hold or music on hold depending on how you are set up. If you put a call on hold now what do they hear? Unless explicitly everridden, that's what they will hear in queue.

2. It loops until an agent becomes available, then it will ring on that agent's phone.

Could you please post the .aef and .wav files again. It looks like the download time has expired, and I have really struggled with this in my scripting. I would like to see your example.

Please ignore the previous post. I realized my error and now have the files. Thanks.

thanks, we just implemented the new script today and it works great, just wanted to say thanks for everyones help.




This is awesome. Thanks for the script.

I've made some test on one of our busy CSQ and i'm getting negative -1 secs using the Get Report Stats Expected Wait Time (Field). The other CSQs show more accurate EWT.

Possibly its more than an hour wait time.


Thanks in advance.



Level 1
Level 1

Any ways to display avg. waiting and talk for last 1 hour instead of 00h00-23h59??  Thanks