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Can TAPS be used without CRA

Level 1
Level 1


Reading up on BAT and TAPS. I really Like TAPS in conjuction with TAPS as it simplifies work. But the documentation uses CRA engine as TAPS has to run a script when the admin or users dials the CTI route point. That means we would have to buy the CRA software from cisco if we wanted to use TAPS.

Any advice would be highly appreciated.


2 Replies 2

Sascha Monteiro
Level 6
Level 6


Download & install Extended services (ES),

(re)install BAT with TAPS option, install TAPS, configure ES via appadmin, start the TAPS service from MMC (it's a manual starting service)

check the comaptibility matrix for correct versions!

I've been using it for years, sweet app... ;-)

Level 3
Level 3


I used TAPS with Extended Services and here is a simple procedure which worked great with me & my CCM 3.3(3). It is different with CCM 4.0 because you don't really need BAT anymore to use TAPS:

1- Install Cisco Extended Service on the publisher

2- Reboot the server, and log in the CRA Administration page

User: Administrator

Login : ciscocisco

3- In the Directory Setup:

Step 1 : in the Directory Hostname, put the IP@ of the Publisher, and in the Directory password, put the password of the DC Directory

Step 2 : Edit a profile (just write a name)

Step 3 : Use the default Repository file

4- In the User Maintenance:

Select a User to become the CRA Administrator, and click Finish

5- Close the Web Browser

6- Install BAT on the publisher from the "Install Plugins" CCM Adminstration page. During this installation, say yes when the program asks you if you want to install TAPS

7- On the CCM, create a CTI Route Point

8- Create 2 CTIports with consecutive directory numbers

9- Enable Auto-registration on the Primary CCM

10- Create the user "taps" and associate the CTI route point and the CTI ports with it. Configure "No primary extension"

11- On the Publisher (fake CRAserver), install the ToolforAutoRegisteredPhonesSupport.exe plugin (TAPS plugin in the "Install Plugins" CCM Administration page)

During the installation, give the IP@ of the PUBLISHER.

12- Open the web page http:///CRALogin/AppAdminLogin and login with the CRA Administrator you configured previously

13- Create a JTAPI Subsystem

JTAPI Provider: Put the IP@ of the publisher

User ID : taps

Password :

CTI Port groups: Associate the 2 CTI ports configured previously

14- Cisco Media Subsystem:

Maximum number of channel : 2

15- Create the TAPS application:

Max Number of sessions :2


Script: TAPS.aef

16- Create a JTAPI trigger:

CTI Route Point Directory Number

Call Control Group :

Primary Dialog Group : Cisco media group

17- Restart the Engine

18- Manually start the Cisco TAPS service in the MMC

19- It should be done:

PS: if the TAPS service doesn't want to start, check the bug CSCeb20345

Hope this will help you
